I find the hash rate varies throughout the day, presumably something to do with the bandwidth available in the area. Mine goes from a high of around 220K, falls to around 190K during late afternoon and evening, then climbs back up again. That's on what is supposedly a high speed fibre optic connection; if I switch everything over to an ADSL line (I have both available) it drops by at least a quarter at any time of day. BTC mining on Slush's pool using BFGminer varies in the same way.
If you aren't using your gridseeds in dual mode, use BFGminer - no HW errors and averaging about 355k/hs per device at 850. http://cryptomining-blog.com/1883-download-the-latest-bfgminer-3-99-0-for-windows-with-gridseed-asic-support/
I'll look into it. Cgminer is reporting 360kh each (total 7.2 MH) as well. So did BFGminer on Windows. Its the pool that says different. I know the pool is an estimate but not by THAT huge a difference.
If this is bfginer for Rasp Pi, I'll check it out.
Be careful there are a lot of cgminer 3.7.2 versions out there. They are not all equal. I had a early version that did not detect a USB issue and the unit appeared to be mining but is you looked closely the accepted shares for one tor two units would stop increasing. switch to a new version that displays the serial numbers and allows individual clock setting and this version would show a unit dropping off due to a USB error. I wrote a script to monitor cgminer via the API and stop and restart cgminer if a unit stops working. you need to have --api-allow and --api-listen w: command line settings.
Here is a copy of the script. Don't judge my programming skills by this script it was a quick hack. I called the script "check_cgminer". It assumes you have a startup script called "start.sh" in the directory "/home/pi". The crontab entry I use is "*/5 * * * * root /home/pi/check_cgminer". This checks the that all the gridseeds are healthy every 5 minutes.
if you run the script with the -v option it outputs diagnostic data. "./check_cgminer -v"
Good luck.
#------------------------ BEGIN ---------------------------------------
$verbose = 0;
$restart = 0;
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-v")
$verbose = 1;
my $cmd = 'echo "{\"command\":\"devs\"}" | nc 4028';
my $res = `$cmd`;
$res =~ s/["]//g;
if ($verbose)
print "Results:\n$res\n\n";
while ($res =~ m/ASC:(\d+),Name:(.+?),ID:(\d+),Enabled:(.+?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),Last\sValid\sWork:(.*?),/g)
if ( $4 eq "N" )
$restart = 1;
$msg = '{ ASC ' . $1 . ' , ' . $2 . ' ' . $3 . ' , Enabled ' . $4 . ' , Valid Work ' . $14 .' }';
$cmd2 = 'date --date=@' . $14 . '' ;
my $lvw = `$cmd2`;
$lvw =~ s/\n//g;
if ($verbose)
print "Device Data: $msg $lvw\n";
$results .= 'Device Data: '. $msg . ' ' . $lvw . "\n";
if ($restart)
print "CGMINER needs to be restarted\n";
my $cmd = 'echo "{\"command\":\"quit\"}" | nc 4028';
my $res = `$cmd`;
print "CGMINER Reply $res\n";
my $cmd = 'sudo /home/pi/start.sh';
my $res = `$cmd`;
my $cmd = 'date >> /tmp/restart.log';
my $res = `$cmd`;
#------------------------ END ---------------------------------------