Sorry for delays, please remember that I cannot pay back to all quickly because I do it form my what I earn daily.
I would like to kind ask those who got refunds to drop a message here
thank you and my apologizes again
Is there anything stopping you from outlining a tentative plan and timeline for your distribution of refunds.... even if you do not have the money right away, supposedly, you should be able to figure out some time to get your timeline in order and to communicate a somewhat reasonable plan.
Personally, I believe that no one should send you any more money until you have already completely dealt with all the refunds, either refunding everyone or getting a clear representation from the member that they do not want to receive a refund. Of course, you might require that members have to communicate that they want a refund, especially in regards to the digital products, which would not be completely unreasonable, but given what doubts you have already created and even the questions about whether you had shipped any items or even whether you had actually acquired any supplies to make the product that you claimed to be making, it would likely be better to be completely upfront about how you intend to deal with everyone who had given you money including creating clear categories in regards to what will cause you to refund their money and the order in which you plan to issue such refunds, too.
Edit: I noticed in the above post from teeGUMES that he is acknowledging receipt of what is presumably a complete refund, so I agree that is a good sign... It does seem a bit strange and problematic if you are ONLY planning to give refunds to members who publicly post about it...because that may end up blowing up in your face... Alternatively, I could appreciate a plan that sends refunds to members who post here first, and maybe even in the order that they are posted.. seems a bit random.. or maybe in the order that they had paid... but there should be some criteria to help to provide some confidence that you have an actual plan that you intend to follow.