I would sell all my Bitcoins if price go up at least 5000$ or more or if needed money urgently and Bitcoin is only way to get money.It would take a long time until BTC reach 5k $,therefore it is quite safe that I will not sell in near future,although surprises are always possible
$5k price is possible to achieve in future but it will take long time for that and I don't think that many will hold their coins that long as most of them will sell even if it reaches $1k.
I completely agree with you,if and when price reaches magic 1000$ most users would sell most of what they have and it is likely to bring price down again.It will be more difficult to reach a four-digit figure and keep such rate stable for a longer period of time.
I doubt that your $1,000 price resistance theory is "as plausible as" you are making it out to be.
Sure some weak hands are likely to get anxious and sell all of their holdings at $1k because they believe that price point is such a high achievement and possibly consider such 4 digits as an unsustainable price, yet we are also likely to experience a lot of FOMO from various folks after BTC prices surpass $850..
Sure, these kinds of BTC price dynamic matters, whether short term or longer term are a bit difficult and unclear regarding how to predict them until they play out, and so some of the dynamics of price resistance and support are going to depend upon how rapidly and what kind of volume exists during such price movements - but getting passed $850 has a decent chance of causing additional upwards momentum and propelling BTC prices into the $3k to $5k territory - even if such $3k to $5k territory ends up being temporary.
It also seems that prices are likely largely going to be staying in the 4 digits once they break into that $3k to $5k territory... Difficult to determine for sure, but prices could break into the $3k to $5k territory and then crash back into 3 digits for short downward spikes - but it seems fairly likely that prices are going to be sustained mostly in the 4 digits once we are able to witness the $3k to $5k price territory.. which kind of seems top be a decent outcome once BTC prices surpass $850-ish.