It's not hard to find: COVID-19 Published Science and Research
And there's a shitload more...
As I usually do, I just picked one 'paper' at random. It happened to be this one: Total and complete nothing-burger which had no information or thesis of any value whatsoever. What passes for 'science' these days is a hopeless circle-jerk of nonsense between a gaggle of useless 'academic institutions'. They only bother to tap out such a piece of drivel since one cannot be attacked for saying nothing of any consequence whatsoever. They have to hack out some words once in a while to justify a paycheck I guess, but clearly it doesn't have to mean anything or contribute to knowledge in the slightest.
Pretty vague criticism... "that's stupid!" would've conveyed the same message.
Did you not make it to the abstract? It begins on page 2.