she has no clue..
she is trained to give back rubs and leg massages.. not in the immune system or dna/rna
DNA is not RNA
and one little 'letter' change in rna will not cause damage
changes to rna does not change dna
downsyndrome mutates requires 48million base pair(letter) changes at DNA level. not rna level
the synthetic rna put into people as a vaccine is only ~1300 'letters'
the purpose is for the rna to be presented as something the body should attack and then remember
it does not mutate the cells. it does not damage the cells. it just enters your body and says look at me. now kill me
your body is not told new techniques to kill it. it is not re-programmed.. your body just uses the tools/systems it already has to figure out the best way to kill the invader. and then remember how using the bodies natural immuno memory system
she then goes on a science FICTION rant pretending that hospital monitoring devices are going to be injected into people. (facepalm)
she sounds like them herbal pill mill clinic owners that have a small clinic in a stripmall. trying to sell nature and back rubs as ways to heal everything.
edit after research:
oh and she lost her job with a medical group in 2015 for her 'holistic' malpractice.
now i understand why she hates real medicine
.. heck more research reveals she avoided going to dentists for years even with many tooth issues.
even the video she admits she cut off all links to hospitals and insurances and people were threatening her due to her silly nonsense.
dang so much fail in her life.. and it seems she just wants to 'work' cash in hand with stupid people that would pay for her holistic remedies