The medical certainly shouldn't be in charge. Why not? Because all the stats that show covid-19, including magnification of the virus in microscopes, don't conclusively show that it is Covid-19. Why not? Because so many other viruses look the same or similar, that they are probably fighting the common cold, SARS, MERS, and a host of other things, but simply saying that it is Covid-19.
This is shown over and over in many different ways by doctors all over. It's turning out the the doctors that are saying it is Covid-19 are in the tiny minority.
the idiot above has no clue as always.
they look at it under a microscope.. and then get the RNA of it and also look at the proteins and enzymes and they can tell the differences between all the different strains
this has been proven by many studies.
doctors are saying that only 1.5% of people have had it thus far. so no where even near herd immunity.
so that debunks your mantra that the storm is over.
this 1.5% = 5mill US citizens which is more than a hospital can cope with in a month
but if you think 5mill could get it every week. guess what you idiot. it would still take 60 months month for herd immunity.
so let that sit in your brain cell and realise all your hope for herd immunity is gone
franky1.Imagine that I am wrong about that. But guess how nay people have been accurately tested for Covid-19 according to the really knowledge of what the virus really seems to be. Very few. Accurate complex tests would almost include electron microscope viewing for each patient.
Why would testing like this be necessary? Because with anything less, tests would be so similar that there is no way to tell accurately that anybody has Covid-19.
However, if it happened to be a fact that someone was found to have Covid-19, guess what? He has tons of other Coronaviruses, as well as, thousands of other viruses. So, is it Covid-19 that is making him sick? Or is it something else? After all, if he is not sick, he has thousands to hundreds of thousands of viruses... and maybe even Covid-19 along with them all.
In other words, the whole focus of
franky1, and the focus of the doctors working on the pandemic, is mostly in the wrong direction. What is the wrong direction? The wrong direction is to focus on one or two viruses, and if they exist, to say that they are the cause of the illness. Why is this wrong? Because there are hundreds of thousands of viruses that each of us has, and our own RNA looks like many of these viruses without very careful viewing. So to say this or that is the cause with only simple testing, is a dangerous lie.
We can see that
franky1 either doesn't know what he is talking about, but more than likely is a proponent of world medical dictatorship.