nefarious actors in the cryptocurrency space. HAHAHA & Chuckles
troll... yawn... roflYou just continue to YAWN, Chantha Owen Lueung, and continue to call use TROLLS who go outta our way to bring the truth to the cryptocurrency community about you and your partner Leroy Fodor nefarious activities while you ROFL your mother fuckin' ass off. GO FUCK YOURSELF!
Starting with you, Owen, the first quote, with the rest about crypto's number one serial liar, Leroy Fodor, your nefarious partner: a world full of chaos, greed, manipulation, and ignorance, anything is possible, however for the time being Bitcoin is the gold of this industry and it seems Litecoin is the silver. they both seem to follow the same patterns much like Gold and Silver do in the real world. The difference I do see is there are many other coins comping up on litecoin, much faster than real metals come up on silver. As a forex trader it is hard for me not to associate these currencies I deal with in the crypto world to the ones I trade daily with on forex. I honeslty find them to be much like the commodities I trade daily. What i like about the crypto world is there is no paper contracts that can be sold by the big bankers that can cost you thousands of dollars within seconds herein the crypto world.
I like the fact these currencies are not controlled by the big rich bankers, and I hope to see it stay that way. because to be honest I am watching as the big bankers are hanging themselves and bringing the countries down with them as they force their countries into depressions over stupid mistakes that fill their pockets with endless amounts of cash at the expense of the countrys people they are working for.
Bitcoin can only get better with time, the more transactions we make the stronger it becomes, I personally think it would be a very complex task for another currency to step up to the plate face to face with bitcoin, but anything is possible. It would take a lot of work and an even bigger amount of cooperation, but thats not to say it would not happen. just like in forex, just ride that train to profits and step off before it falls, thats all we can do right now.
Timeline:April 22, 2014: Thank you for the sage advice because I've been practicing trading Forex stuff for a year and am now looking forward to a career move to do this full time unless, that is, something comes along more betterer in May involving Internet money, but what are the odds of that happening?
December 30, 2014: I sold my Forex portfolio in 2012 to build the largest bitcoin mining farm in the Philippines.
June 14, 2014: Okay, fellow Bitcoiners, listen up! Honestly, as a forex trader it is hard for me not to associate these currencies I deal with in the crypto world to the ones I trade daily with on forex. Don't mind my spelling because I only minored in creative writing while earning my B.B.A. at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Yes, I'm learned, and to prove it I once had to school Bruno that "learnt" ain't a word, along with once correcting his "at the end of the day" phrase incorrectly used in spite of he used it exactly as I have (or is it had?) on several occasions.
From the desk of I Know My Shit!, me to clue you in, Bitcoin market analysis are useless and a bunch of crap, why because bitcoin has no demand other than its tradable market. No one wakes up with the urge to buy bitcoins, no one is compelled to buy bitcoins, and no one Needs to buy bitcoins, because of that it is logically impossible to make either a fundamental or technical analysis for it. Until a real demand for Bitcoins is created or used, An analysis is just a fancy pants wallstreet boy who wants to push the market in a direction he needs and he is using you to accomplish that HAHAHA
How do I know, I was a forex trader who made these very analysis for commodities trade advice. I had a 380 consecutive winning portfolio on my commodities trades, with a less than 1% loss on my lost trades. So i think i know whats involved in making these analysis HAHAHA