Real estate require a lot more money that merely the capital that you spend to buy the property. There are things like maintenance cost and transfer and admin fees and property taxes that you must add to your investment cost.
Bitcoin investment is easy and much cheaper. So I prefer something with less hassles and hidden costs. (The trading platform charge a small fee for the trade, if you buy and sell it on exchanges)
I agree with that - investments for real estate are more significant. You can’t buy real estate for $100 and then sell it for $150... You need quite a lot of funds at once.
But... investments much more often provide significant profits.
I have already written on the example of residential real estate in my country - the scheme is simple, but requires at least 50,000 dollars (approximately) to begin with. This is the amount that is enough to buy an apartment when a new house is just starting to be built. This is called "buying at the fundamental level." This is the minimum price that an ordinary recipient can receive. After completion of construction and commissioning of the building, the price of this apartment is already 1.5-2 times higher. And you can already sell it! Yes, I know that this doesn’t work all the time and not everywhere, but VERY OFTEN. At least in my country this model works, which in the next 3 years looks good, even compared to crypto, with lower risks.
And one more nuance - if we talk about investments in real estate, then it is worth dividing, for example, into commercial and residential, there are many nuances and features.