The New GrandThe Grand Hotel was a forerunner in 1468, being the first to offer ***** hotel services in the Old Town. We commemorate this 60th anniversary by announcing that The New Grand will be opened in the 2 borough!
The plans are still very tentative, but 12 quadrats of land opening to several directions has been procured at the very center. Soon the kingdom-famous service, food and accommodation will be available to the Quarry top directors and visitors also
Services pool complete rehaulWe have received information that due to the modular nature of the coming online version, it is easy to implement the long-awaited change of having many service pools for different services. This will mean that all services currently offered by the Lots (for services, as well as servants, are tied to Lots) are listed and thoroughly analysed. After the chance, updating the parameters will be easy and they will instantly affect the distribution. Also upon the change of ownership of a Lot, the services and servants will move automatically.
Roopatra is in charge of the job, and is accepting tips, so we will start by giving 25 million from the royal coffers towards the endeavour. (If others show their goodness of heart also, Roopatra please do the transactions unless the donator otherwise indicates.)
This donation is paid.Message from the QuarriesThe workers are disgruntled that their wages have been dropping in their preferred currency, while staying the same in moneretos. This is indeed shameful, but we avoided a strike (and a wholesale raise of wages) by promising that the 2-C will soon develop services, where the money can be squandered, without the need to take it home and see the miserably bad exchange rate. They are satisfied for now, but the pressures to raise the wages remain with both the quarry workers, the soldiers, and the domestic servants, unless the exchange rate improves.
Next year there will be no questions nor changes to quarry inputs, so please do your changes now (in about 1 hour).
Land for sale in 2-CThe price of land in 2-C has dropped in dutch auction to 40 mil/q. The path to the lots goes between the "large lot" and the street-facing lots and is marked white. The LDC and the cashback both apply. The ones who bought the street-facing lots may be interested in selling if you want street access.
New Player Starter Kit PRE-ANNThe town council decided that we want to have a constant influx of new players. We devised a Starter Kit, to be marketed to the mainly existing XMR owners/BCT users. It combines the 3 compelling reasons why to play the game:
- Support XMR
- Have fun
- Possibility for gain/leverage.
The kit is a checklist where you can pick to your liking:
- Long bonds that pay back double
- Generic mutual fund shares (if such can be constructed in time)
- Gold
- Houses in Village (L6)
- New houses in NE (L10)
- budget houses in 2. borough (if such can be constructed in time)
- Wealth manager included.
One XMR payment takes you to the game and gives you a stake of choice assets.