The Secret Quarry Code is broken!The 4-digit code is composed of 4 independent digits, revealing the following information.
1st digit - Quarry site number 1-8
2nd digit - Depth of soil
3rd digit - Depth of cracked stone beneath soil (best yield)
4th digit - Depth of solid stone beneath cracked stone.
The organization works as follows:
Directors, managers and foremen generate points each to a different category. In each category, the number of points must exceed the number of men, to make all the men work full efficiency or even at all. Foremen were the most needed. Men work by combining themselves with a piece of equipment suitable to work on a certain type of rock. To complete a block of rock, again a certain number of points is needed. It was hard to understand that everyone (strictly: 80%) needs their own shovel if there is nothing to do but the shoveling.
The site was divided to 3 sections, so that the workers could get to the rock faster, and also get to use different tools simultaneously. 3/6 quarries have completed all the layers in at least one section. Beneath, more solid rock is found, and it can be quarried but with ever-increasing difficulty.
HQ space/10 sqm - Greatly boosts the efficiency of office workers
Tavern space/10 sqm - Generates income (voluntary)
Barracks for sleep/10 sqm - Generates income (voluntary)
Warehouse space/10 sqm - For storing the equipment (not much needed because the equipment is not large)
Outer wall/10 m - Hinders theft of stone and equipment
Drills - A tool for making holes on solid stone, skilled users much appreciated
Picks - A tool for cracking both cracked stone and (less efficiently) solid stone
Shovels - A tool for working on the soil layer
Ropes - NPC's wanted to support their rope-makers (not used in the game)
Experienced Director - Generates director points and help points
Architect - Generates help points
ManagerL2 - Generates manager points
Geologist - Generates help points; increases the yield
Director - Generates director points
Engineer - Generates help points; increases the yield; counts as a manager/foreman whichever is most needed
Manager - Generates manager points; 2nd and every subsequent one decreases the yield
Foreman - Generates foreman points
Office assistant - Boosts the efficiency of all other office workers, extra ones generate some director/manager points
SkilledQuarryGuy - Double efficiency in using Drills
StrongQuarryGuy - Double efficiency in using Picks
Cook - Needed in Tavern
NormalQuarryGuy - Normal efficiency in all tools
Kitchen aid - Needed in Tavern
Cleaning lady - Small number needed to keep office, tavern clean.
Guard - Can mitigate thefts.
So now the plan is to make the quarry game a little less demanding for the admin and less risky for the players also. From now on, the new quarry sites' codes are visible and understood, and the workforce and equipment can be tailored to the need. The sites will be auctioned and the bad sites will immediately be used for building.
Some feedback is requested. Is it too early to change to the mode where the quarry owner receives the land directly, without the Town having a buyback? This is the original thought (but original thought was also to have quarrying start in Economy the earliest).
I'll be available to chat about the new rules. If you want to close operations and fire all workers, you are OK to do that, but it'd be good to wait until you know what bonuses the experienced workers would bring to the new quarry site in the 3rd Borough, which will be opened soon to the East from the Old Town, connected by the Boulevard. If you want to fire a part of workers, a 1-year extra salary is charged. The equipment is always in the same condition (it expires totally, or is like new), and can be sold to other quarries. NPC's don't buy it back.
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