With the current security force of Essu (10.6m yearly), it would be impossible to continue a profitable business if 75% of projected sales were to go to HM. If the 75% is to the lease holder, then by all means I will continue on as lord of Essu--otherwise I will have to liquidate my security forces to continue on as lord.
Quick Overview:
If prices reach the intended 1000m VEG and 5000m for MEAT, then we can assume a yearly income of 18-19M in VEG and 15M in MEAT based on current output, which gives a lease of ~8.5M (25%) or ~25.5M (75%) to HM--the 75% number subtracted from a ~34M total allows for a security force in the 4-5M range (max) if units are to be replaced and famines accounted for (though how does one accurately account for a famine?).
1. Yes 75% would go to King, according to the calculation with nominal values.
2. The intention is to use 1,000 for VEG and 5,000 for MEAT in the calculation only. You know that these are far from the actual values - the midprice of VEG has surely been in the 1,500 range instead and MEAT correspondingly. Future prices we cannot know and King has no lever to them (except "extra winter meat" which is scripted to come to market only if the ask > 6,000 (to Farmers). The VEG cannot be transported in the winter because it is freezing, and in the spring the VEG is already about to spoil.
3. The "superveg" is also a bonus to the leaseholder.
4. Famine years are a jackpot to the producers. Even a 25% reduction in production of VEG will certainly mean at least double price, so...
5. I am ok if someone does not want to continue; the greatest benefit of manors now is to gain a foothold for permanent contract, even ownership. At 3% IRR (what buildings usually give), Essu Manor's discounted future production is worth more than 1 billion. But players have different playstyle and each has their own priorities. I saw Roopatra yesterday, and it was funny to realize that we
both had been sure that Erin is played by the other one (which was not the case and the real controller is not known). Not only that, there are rumors that
me and Roopatra are the same person (that would be quite a double life though..), and probably some still believe that Soul, Heimo, SS and HS-S are fictitious. Well they are real guys, HS-S is already in the 3rd incarnation due to probably challenges with health, need to ask
Soul I meet weekly and he knows Roopatra and HS-S. I have met Syksy IRL as well, he is also not me.
What is the requirement for security? That's the variable that determines if this is healthy or not