Op has over 8k coins now, i don't think they're doing fake deposits. No reason for them to do so
100 btc 30k it's nothing
see this hyip http://nanoindustryinv.com/?a=cust&page=last-deposits
over 500k invested per day
Anybody here had a good experience with this site?
How much can you earn? Is this thing 100% sure?
'Cause this sounds more interesting than cryptodouble.
How much you will make, let's say investing 200$, and how much time?
depends on the chosen plan ,I did a 50 days around 750%
there are still two weeks so I can cash out ,so I can not confirm 100%
but before investing did a search and found that is the best in the moment
I'm not encouraging you to invest, do so at your own risk
PM me if you can after the time is up, i'm interested if they are going to pay you back.