....and if you had read the rest of the links in my post you would have realized why they were onsite to assist the police. http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2012/0024/latest/DLM4355803.html
It is clear that Cryptopia management had access to servers and understand of what was taken on Jan13-15, police may have arrived and sealed the area off for a day or so, but likely had executives and key techs on-sight at "the scene" the whole time.
From the police statement in Jan, reads that "Cryptopia will reopen before Feb14"; meaning not get access to the building, but open the business for business. Such a statement would suggest Cryptopia management had been assisting on-site, working with police, but police also working with Cryptopia management on a timely/safe re-opening.
That means a working plan to reopen ON Feb14.
That means securing funds that you have before Feb14.
Or at least publish what is lost ON Feb14 not March4.
Cryptopia acting like you all had not a single clue as to what is what and what do we have and not have UNTIL Feb15.
Is an insult.
Read your own tweets. Read the police tweets. Your important "guys" were in the loop and in the building long before Feb15.
Also ... you have had scammer Twitter accounts prey on your clients. Because you can't manage to update the website and post OFFICIAL channels.
Also ... hacked for the 3rd time? No comment?
Lets stop this unnecessary negativity on this thread, Crytopia already provided an update to the extent of loses from hacking incident.
Lets just wait and observe what will happen next week for their read-only opening.