
Topic: Deleted posts in the Hardware BFL Thread, Double Standards, and Hypocrisy - page 3. (Read 8345 times)

Activity: 1638
Merit: 1001
3.  Brush242, or whatever - what's with the patois?  I take it you don't do much Civil Rights work.

I'd probably hire him for civil rights work myself. . .if I were the defendant.

Seriously, you fucking retards drove off someone who was giving good information.  Because you were personally hostile to its source.

Does anyone here even understand why that was a fucking stupid thing to do?

Am I the only sane person here?

I can see you being a defendant in a civil rights case, given your liberal use of "retards" and the plural "you" and in your attacks.

You are the only sane person in your world, I assure you.

full member
Activity: 226
Merit: 100
Are you OCD?
Jiminy Crickets. You have to pound and stomp your feet about how much you have the god-given right to call a spade a spade by shysterly typing on and on and on about how stupid this, that and anyone else is "cuz yew sez so", all while no one had the right to call you (a self-proclaimed attorney) by your real name until you were EXPOSED through your own words! I'm shocked that you are even a practicing attorney as you claim, because there is clearly a lot wrong with you psychologically. Here you are still pseudo-lawyering up bitcointalk by drowning us in an incontinent verbal diarrhea that has no end in sight. Disgusting.

And now you demean what happened in Paris.... no words.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
Mmmh mhmhh mmmm.
[...]However, poking the bear does not grant you the right to respond disproportionally. If you think it does, then I have two words for you: Charlie Hebdo.[...]

Dude! What is wrong with you Huh

lolwut. Stephen Reid thinks being doxed is a disproportionate response to him calling (almost) everyone an idiot (or even that they have no ability to reason). Reading his post history in other fora was enlightening....

Even funnier: he doesn't care that he was doxed. Y'know, cuz he sez so... Now he equates it to being killed like Charlie Hebdo. Even though he is the one responsible for the forum massacre that resulted in the elmination of dozens of posts...

Anyone else confused yet?
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1193
I don't believe in denial.
[...]However, poking the bear does not grant you the right to respond disproportionally. If you think it does, then I have two words for you: Charlie Hebdo.[...]

Dude! What is wrong with you Huh
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
The original point (strangely missed by your oddly fragmented post) of unprofessional representation stands. Your highly unprofessional (forgive me, or ABA guidelines, your choice) behavior has done nothing to support your position.

You should find no great surprise in the sequence of events. You made statements that are merely supported by your own interpretation (or representation of interpretation...). Such statements would not be unexpected from individuals employed in BFL representation. Explain, after the years of BFL lies and deception, why you wouldn't expect such a reaction to your proclamations?  

Your attempts to influence focus onto a single somewhat incorrect premise are rather transparent.  Your 'correction' does nothing to forward the case against unprofessionalism, rather it merely discredits a single representation of unprofessionalism.

Anyways, I'm sure you're a highly respected individual amongst your peers. A first impression of such competence and professionalism cannot go unrecognized, yes?  Roll Eyes

Oh, allow me to add something about 'just because yew sez so', right?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that phrase appears to have been chosen merely to piss people off, rather than forward an argument. Strange conduct from a professional such as yourself...
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
3.  Brush242, or whatever - what's with the patois?  I take it you don't do much Civil Rights work.

I'd probably hire him for civil rights work myself. . .if I were the defendant.

Seriously, you fucking retards drove off someone who was giving good information.  Because you were personally hostile to its source.

Does anyone here even understand why that was a fucking stupid thing to do?

Am I the only sane person here?

Well, we are part of the small percentage of sane ones here, I'll say that.

For those of you who think I "poked the bear" and thus "got what I deserved", that's simply more ignorance and stupidity.

We sign up on boards such as these without giving real names and addresses because it provides a level of separation from our daily lives. While we are free to give our real names and identity or whatnot, most people don't for a number of reasons.

  • It provides a bit more freedom to say what you wish, without fear of some jackass Unabombering your home. Of course, some people go overboard with vicious, repeated, and unfounded online attacks, but we don't require Social Security numbers and state-issued IDs to sign up because some psychos take it too far—people protect themselves with a bit of anonymity. Personally, there's not much I've ever said online that I wouldn't say to someone's face. Those I have met from online? In context I have done precisely that. Not one of them has ever said the venomous things they've said to me online to my face. Not one.
  • It allows you a bit of a different persona without judgment or fear of retribution. Some people don't want their liberal friends to see how conservative they really are. Some people don't want their coworkers or colleagues to know that they are a fuzzy, or an anarchist, or that they "play" for a different "team". Some don't want friends and family to know of their personal interests, or even more simply, how much time they spend sitting in front of a computer chatting with, discussing/arguing with, or helping mostly anonymous strangers on the internet. Some don't want their supervisors monitoring their online activity that is unrelated to work.
  • Most importantly, it allows you the freedom to be whoever you want to be, whenever you want to be, for whatever reason you want to be. That's important for many people. Of course, it doesn't hold to child abuse, fraud, initiating force against others, but that should be self-evident. And for those that just love being public, there is Facebook, et al, where *everything* you do is directly attributable. Even then, most people DON'T give their supervisors, et al., access, because they want to maintain that degree of separation.

Some of you got mad because I called your unfounded and ignorant opinions unfounded and ignorant. I called stupid opinions stupid. That doesn't imply that you aren't entitled to hold or express your stupid or ignorant opinions, but the whole point of putting them on a discussion board is to discuss them. They stand or fall on their merits and everyone learns something. Those that don't get to continue to hold their stupid or ignorant opinion without any issues.

In the instant case, I tried like hell to explain TROs and ex parte orders under US law and I wasn't wrong. Others posted materials reinforcing my point. You didn't have to agree with me, of course not. But then your best option, as I noted, is to demonstrate my errors and provide the reasons your feel I was wrong, e.g., "Oh Most Holy MahaRushie, you are wrong because (insert your reasoning here)". When people have unrealistic and ignorant expectations concerning the law and "justice" they get beyond angry—that thread demonstrates that, and I tried to explain and mitigate that. Even after a case has been fully litigated on the merits, the parties have had vigorous and aggressive representation, and they have "had their say in court" rare indeed does the loser (or one who thinks they got the short end of the stick) walk thrilled out of a court room saying, "Yes, justice was done there. I am proud of my participation in the American Justice SYSTEM!" (see: BFL TRO being lifted)

But, since some of you thought it was somehow possible to "derail" a thread with almost fifteen thousand posts (90+% of which are worthless) with twenty or so, you figured I was "poking the bear". Thus, you were gonna fix my hash by taking the reasonable pseudo-anonymity provided by the board away, and posting the results of your rudimentary Googling. One option would have been to say that you didn't appreciate my tone and that something I said bothered you. Of course, given what many of you have said in that thread, that comes across as empty, and I certainly didn't set the tone there. But it never hurts to ask. The point is: I'm not involved with BFL other than having bought a little single and having had it replaced. I didn't commit fraud. I didn't do anything that warranted your stupid, erroneous, and unjustified accusations.

To come full circle: some of you think I "poked the bear" and thus "got what I deserved" as if that is some sort of reasonable response to your feeling irritation at my posts. You were free to unleash the unholy hounds of hell against me verbally. You could have posted all the chickenhead, gumby, unicorn, goatse, et cetera ad infinitum crap you wanted, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over as some of you are wont to do. Everything that was generally done in that thread, you could have done. You could have complained to the moderators, like I did. Doxxing people who defrauded you, well, I wouldn't do it, but it's not beyond the pale. In this context, all of those are generally accepted (if *really* irritating to some) responses to "poking the bear" on a bulletin board.

However, poking the bear does not grant you the right to respond disproportionally. If you think it does, then I have two words for you: Charlie Hebdo.

Those guys made it a point to print a magazine that had many of the aspects of the thread in question. Some ignorant and stupid hotheads responded disproportionally to Charlie Hebdo's "poking the bear", by murdering twelve people. That's wrong. The murderers had any number of options: print their own magazine and poke at Charlie Hebdo. Take to that inteweb dealio and tweet da hell outta 'dem. Make parodies of Charlie Hebdo parodies and issue those. Ask for a meeting with the editors. Bitch to Charlie Hebdo's advertisers. Pray to some ancient Muhammulon for enough cash to buy the damn paper and shut it down. Frankly, they could have taken the BFL thread that spawned this one, edited it (over the course of several years given all the idiocy in there) to make fun of Charlie Hebdo and posted that.

They did not have the right to print CB's home addresses. They did not have the right to post erroneous and unrelated accusations ("Hey, a guy named Charlie Hebdo had an email address in 1066 CE, and then after the unmitigated disaster that was the Norman Conquest, he used a USPS tracking number a long time ago, and then, THEN, a bunch of other people did some similar things as well!"). But most importantly, even if some simpletons thought their "bear" was being "poked", no matter how hard, they did not have the right to do anything even mildly approaching what they did. Even accosting them in the street to try to have a reasonable discussion would have been unacceptable.

Now certainly, there are times where poking the bear means just that, poking the bear, and someone gets what they deserved. Initiating force against someone (which still does not grant a disproportionate response) is one example. Or when the "bear" in question has no moral responsibility for their actions. For example, poking a bear enough to get a bear to kill you is a well-deserved result. Poking a beehive enough to get a bunch a bees to sting you such that you go into anaphylactic shock is a well-deserved outcome. But most of you aren't bees or bears, and even if you were, I wouldn't know because you chose not to reveal that aspect of your offline persona, and you don't get to use an extreme response or the reasoning that applies to non-moral actors.

Whatever you think of Darkmule's posts about this, his point is valid: you create an atmosphere where many people simply will not consider posting at all, even if they could help. They won't do it, because if someone here without first-hand knowledge happens to disagree with them, and gets irritated >boom< doxxed. In this case, that could be an insider that, while horrified at BFL's behavior, happens to be close friends with or related to with the primary actors. I can't fathom why anyone would have to explain to you why police and journalists keep their sources secret, even if those sources are sometimes a bit shady. It's because the value of what they provide far outweighs their identity or their other unsavory characteristics.

Some of you guys think that is a smart idea. Note, the journalists and police that risk contempt and imprisonment think it is a stupid idea. Why? Because it is is a stupid opinion to hold. Even if you hold it dearest to your heart.

Either way, 'nuff said, I will not be returning to/nor commenting on this thread. Thanks to all who PMed. For those I offended, my apologies.

My fault, but I wish I had the last 20 minutes of my life back. Heh.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
If there is any kind of lesson about this episode, it is that you idiots [...] Rot in your stupidity.

You communication style says enough, doen't it. "You [ed.: people]", "you idiots", "your stupidity"; really says more about the one doing the talking than about the subject(s) being discussed. Not very surprising you don't get it...

There was more to this Brush 242 guy than meets the eye (no pun intended  Wink).
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1193
I don't believe in denial.
If there is any kind of lesson about this episode, it is that you idiots [...] Rot in your stupidity.

You communication style says enough, doen't it. "You [ed.: people]", "you idiots", "your stupidity"; really says more about the one doing the talking than about the subject(s) being discussed. Not very surprising you don't get it...
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1005
3.  Brush242, or whatever - what's with the patois?  I take it you don't do much Civil Rights work.

I'd probably hire him for civil rights work myself. . .if I were the defendant.

Seriously, you fucking retards drove off someone who was giving good information.  Because you were personally hostile to its source.

Does anyone here even understand why that was a fucking stupid thing to do?

Am I the only sane person here?
Activity: 2142
Merit: 1009
Where is the consistency ?

It's BitcoinTalk. Nuff said.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1005
If there is any kind of lesson about this episode, it is that you idiots drove off someone who was providing useful content, based on nothing but moronic paranoia.

The result is that you should expect less content in the future, because anything remotely disagreeing with your weird circlejerk is going to result in dogpiles, doxings and other forms of idiocy.

You stupid fucks did everything from defend BFL (when you were stupid enough to invest in it despite wiser counsel) to turn full retard.

All the guy you doxed did was explain a legal ruling to you.  That apparently caused such cognitive dissonance that you utterly freaked out, doxed the guy, got the mods on you to delete your crap, and have since then acted like utter fucking idiots.

Rot in your stupidity.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1005
I would not be surprised if a lawyer sent a complaint to a moderator that included the words "or else" and several as per number dot number dot numbers.

This is utter madness. 

Let me make a wild guess.  He just clicked the report button like anyone else could do.  And the off-topic flood of shit was deleted.  Just like it would be for anyone else.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
It's time for me to bring some class and maturity to this thread.

1.  Phin (or whoever did it) -10 points for posting a burning strawman (BBS overlap) letting the mod off the hook.

2.  This thread is a living, writhing example of the Streisand Effect.  (Trivia - I am one degree of separation from one of the principals in the original Streisand Effect events.)

3.  Brush242, or whatever - what's with the patois?  I take it you don't do much Civil Rights work.

You know me, since you're kin/friends to some photographer, I was goin' for the Scarecrow Effect:

Activity: 1638
Merit: 1001
It's time for me to bring some class and maturity to this thread.

1.  Phin (or whoever did it) -10 points for posting a burning strawman (BBS overlap) letting the mod off the hook.

2.  This thread is a living, writhing example of the Streisand Effect.  (Trivia - I am one degree of separation from one of the principals in the original Streisand Effect events.)

3.  Brush242, or whatever - what's with the patois?  I take it you don't do much Civil Rights work.
hero member
Activity: 910
Merit: 1003
4. Zmínil jsem se , že jsem studoval češtinu pro americkou armádu ? (Czech --> English)
I spent 10 days in Plzen and Prague, many years ago.  I learned one phrase in Czech, something like "Please get in or off the train, the doors are about close"  Maybe I will recall it later...  prosím … u výstup a nástup …  maybe...

Any chance they will grill him about the avatars?

My flash plugin is broken, I will try to watch later today.
hero member
Activity: 764
Merit: 500
I'm a cynic, I'm a quaint
Do you recall when another mod came along and expunged ~30 posts and banned the offender, only to have Maxwell come along and reinstate the posts declaring that the issue had been resolved and the mod in question is no longer a mod? That said, I'm gettin' a fresh cup of coffee and puttin' Dylan on the turntable.

I remember that. I guess gmaxwell handled that well enough. It seems harsh to me to remove a mod for one (presumebly big) mistake, but I don't no any context. There may or may not have other issues with that ex-mod which would warrant removal. That's all water under the bridge now though. Enjoy your ground up bean water.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
Props to Steven Reid for managing to erase his vomit though. He has poked the bear and then managed to get the zoo keeper to clean up the mess afterwards. We've seen that he's a idiotic piece of shit, yet he got that done.

More idiocy and conclusory accusations with zero evidence or reasoning. Try this "Steven(sic) Reid is an idiotic piece of shit and wrong about TROs because (then put whatever you think will support your statement here)" or, "Super Stephen the MahaRushie the idiotic piece of shit, the last few findings by the court are incorrect because the evidence at hand (you know what to put here)". Do you think people will take that more seriously or less seriously?

I think a lot of you simply don't understand that projecting your likely-justified anger about BFL on me, even if you really, really, REALLY, FOR REALZ hate what I have to say is of no value whatsoever.

If you put your reproductive organ into a beehive expect to get stung. That's what you did. I call that poking the bear. You should have read the quote in my signature, it also applies. If you really think you didn't do that then I don't know what to say...

Also as a lawyer you should realise how malleable people and their impressions are. I reckon that is why you wanted the whole episode erased. I agree with you that the whole thread is a mess. The related content is not readily available anymore so I can't go and quote you specifically. You - regardless if you were right or wrong - were the catalyst of a whole new load bullshit in it. Maybe I should rephrase my statement: "Props to Steven Reid for managing to erase a load of vomit that he caused. He has poked the bear and then managed to get the zoo keeper to clean up the mess afterwards."

And it was not proper to end with name calling. But hey, IANAL and it was a knee-jerk reaction to the seemingly random moderation (If only gmaxwell had just stated his cleanup was triggered by a request from you). I am after all a typical BCT armchair anarchist so I get upset at trivial shit like that. You did handle the situation poorly at best. And now you are here and your demeanor is again aggravating.

Do you recall when another mod came along and expunged ~30 posts and banned the offender, only to have Maxwell come along and reinstate the posts declaring that the issue had been resolved and the mod in question is no longer a mod? That said, I'm gettin' a fresh cup of coffee and puttin' Dylan on the turntable.
hero member
Activity: 764
Merit: 500
I'm a cynic, I'm a quaint
Props to Steven Reid for managing to erase his vomit though. He has poked the bear and then managed to get the zoo keeper to clean up the mess afterwards. We've seen that he's a idiotic piece of shit, yet he got that done.

More idiocy and conclusory accusations with zero evidence or reasoning. Try this "Steven(sic) Reid is an idiotic piece of shit and wrong about TROs because (then put whatever you think will support your statement here)" or, "Super Stephen the MahaRushie the idiotic piece of shit, the last few findings by the court are incorrect because the evidence at hand (you know what to put here)". Do you think people will take that more seriously or less seriously?

I think a lot of you simply don't understand that projecting your likely-justified anger about BFL on me, even if you really, really, REALLY, FOR REALZ hate what I have to say is of no value whatsoever.

If you put your reproductive organ into a beehive expect to get stung. That's what you did. I call that poking the bear. You should have read the quote in my signature, it also applies. If you really think you didn't do that then I don't know what to say...

Also as a lawyer you should realise how malleable people and their impressions are. I reckon that is why you wanted the whole episode erased. I agree with you that the whole thread is a mess. The related content is not readily available anymore so I can't go and quote you specifically. You - regardless if you were right or wrong - were the catalyst of a whole new load bullshit in it. Maybe I should rephrase my statement: "Props to Steven Reid for managing to erase a load of vomit that he caused. He has poked the bear and then managed to get the zoo keeper to clean up the mess afterwards."

And it was not proper to end with name calling. But hey, IANAL and it was a knee-jerk reaction to the seemingly random moderation (If only gmaxwell had just stated his cleanup was triggered by a request from you). I am after all a typical BCT armchair anarchist so I get upset at trivial shit like that. You did handle the situation poorly at best. And now you are here and your demeanor is again aggravating.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
I would not be surprised if a lawyer sent a complaint to a moderator that included the words "or else" and several as per number dot number dot numbers.

I refrained to write this before, not wanting to expose the prudish side of my character: but I kept imagining Ms. Helen Wong or some other FTC official reading those #ASKFTC posts that reminded me so much of the bathroom walls at my junior high school.

Maybe, just maybe, those FTC officers were sufficiently annoyed by those posts to start thinking that BFL and their customers perhaps deserved each other after all, and they had better devote their resources and dramamine to the more meritorious case of those Neonazi ex-con bikers who did not get their pedo-themed KKK uniforms delivered in time by that North Korean army supplier.  So, while punctiliously defending the FTC case with her mouth, Ms. Wong blinked three times to the Judge, who got the message and ordered that his desk be cleared of that pile of unsavory attachments as quickly as possible.

I never watched Blues Clues, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn - ONCE!

1. Steve Reid practices law in New York.
2. Yesterday was the 5th.
3. Somebody didn't post yesterday.
4. Zmínil jsem se , že jsem studoval češtinu pro americkou armádu ? (Czech --> English)
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145

The post above that got deleted was basically on-topic, whereupon the following post that was penned prior to it but after the Big Erase could easily be argued is off-topic, yet it remains.



Did Max delete my clause "at the risk of being a tattletale"?  Grin Grin Grin
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