Sadly we all know Wilder needs rehabilitation but it is his family and friends that should push him towards seeking help. He needs to stay away from boxing until he gets his focus back and is mentally well again.
I always tend to doubt people who claim conspiracy is done against them.When I first read about spiked water immediately I started laughing and not believe this conspiracy.If it were true that conspiracy was made against him there are hundred of easier and not easily detectable methods to achieve this goal.This guy definitely needs psychological rehab.
Thats what he need for now because everybody do already notice that condition on where his mentality gets really affected with that past fight and just like what most people saying that he do wants to be undefeated
and he wanted to be perfect and to be the best among the rest and on the day that he lost then he cant really just accept it and when you are type of person who are really too emotional then handling out
these kind of situation is really a challenge.
No one can help you out but only yourself but seeking out on your loved ones help would really be beneficial.You do only make yourself look bad into the public if you do really continue to blame out
people randomly because of your loss.
He does really need some rehab if things cant be handled out well because this might really be the end of his career if mental state would really be come severe
and becomes worst and might be the reason for him to stop boxing for a while or might forever.Sounds exaggerated but its possible to happen.