Dann muss er demnächst wohl Produkte Developpen, denn die Community springt ihm ja mit dem nackten Hintern voran mitten ins Gesicht, da ist nix mehr zu Developpen. Es kommen eine Menge an Nicht-Informationen aus diesem PR Account heraus. Da lernt man, wie Krisenbewältigung geht.
An und für sich ist ja alles Kommunikation. Man kann nicht Nicht-Kommunizieren in so einer Situation, denn das Schweigen spräche ja auch Bände. Aber an Informationen gelangt man über diesen PR Account nicht, der blubbert einfach so nonstop vor sich hin, da kannst du genauso gut einen Springbrunnen interviewen. Echt so Laber Rababer, Wortschwall schwadronier...
Vielleicht gibt es für solche Jobs bereits vorgefertigte Textbausteine, oder gleich voll automatische Textbaustein-Ziegeleien? Die man einfach nur noch mit den Zielkoordinaten füttert, "Reddit, vierhundert Meter auf zwölf Uhr" und dann ballern die los?
Da kann man eigentlich auch gleich Blindtext lesen, funktioniert ähnlich und ist vom Kontent quasi die gleiche Geschmacksrichtung.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed varius sagittis mauris, vel rutrum erat. Vivamus id nisi nibh. Praesent nibh tortor, venenatis ut lorem id, fringilla vulputate ante. Vivamus sodales blandit justo vel ornare. Donec quis nisl in ex varius scelerisque. Fusce in eros consectetur, congue mi in, accumsan arcu. Nunc consequat hendrerit mi. Sed rutrum magna vehicula fermentum suscipit.
Following the theft on August 2nd, the Bitfinex team has been working tirelessly towards bringing the platform back online in a secure and controlled manner. We have finalized the accounting of losses incurred and are currently coordinating strategic plans for compensating customers. Cras ultricies consequat enim vel venenatis. Cras nec dolor commodo, vestibulum nisl in, euismod urna. Aenean posuere volutpat lectus, at gravida leo elementum in. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec mollis vestibulum scelerisque. Etiam bibendum, arcu ut molestie cursus, nulla dolor efficitur lectus, dignissim efficitur ligula purus id nibh. Donec gravida leo sit amet sapien dictum, in gravida magna convallis.
We intend to come online within 24-48 hours with limited platform functionality. Additional announcements will be made as we progressively enable more platform features and return to full operations. We appreciate that our customers and the public want this handled quickly, but it needs to be done a way in which all assets are secure and immune from vulnerabilities. Every resource is being leveraged to make that happen in a safe and optimal way. Pellentesque ac ultrices ante. Vestibulum ultrices nisl eu tempus aliquam. Morbi consectetur ullamcorper est, vel consequat arcu sagittis lacinia. Cras porttitor ullamcorper mollis. Mauris eu interdum magna.
As disclosed in earlier announcements, all withdrawals, open orders, and open funding offers have been cancelled and all financed positions have been settled. Exact settlement prices were published on August 3rd.
After much thought, analysis, and consultation, we have arrived at the conclusion that losses must be generalized across all accounts and assets. This is the closest approximation to what would happen in a liquidation context. Upon logging into the platform, customers will see that they have experienced a generalized loss percentage of
-36.067%. In a later announcement we will explain in full detail the methodology used to compute these losses.
PS: Wo bewirbt man sich auf so einen PR Job?