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Wait, so you don't want to look at three dimensional trig?
You seem to have missed my response directed at you, and instead decided to quote my response to BADecker's disingenuous and biased comments. There's no trigonometry involved yet so let me reiterate:
At sixty feet, one degree of arc is about one foot wide. So this 1:60 ratio applies, and at 3600 miles, 1 degree would sweep 60 miles.
But three dimensional trig allows accommodation for hills and valley on the earth. It's far more precise. Given that your measurement errors are a substantial part of the measurements, this would be the way to get it right.
For example, from three points on the earth, say Manhattan, Los Angeles, and Miami, measure the angle to the moon at the same time. The four points form a triangle on each of four sides.
What is the sum of the angles between the three ground points?
You're putting the cart before the horse here (Porsche not withstanding), as I stated before the globe and thus the Copernican model's large heavy ball Moon are dead in the water as soon as the ratio of 1 minute to 1 nautical mile is defined. This is before any celestial measurements are made with the sextant.
How is the ratio defined you ask? Since we will be measuring objects with a sextant using the human eye, the ratio is defined by the angular resolution limit of the human eye being 1 minute. This equates to being able to see a 1 foot object at a maximum distance of 1/2 nautical miles. Beyond 1/2 nautical miles, objects 1 foot and smaller can not be seen; objects in the field of view converge to a point at 1/2 nautical miles.
If we place the human eye 1 foot above ground (observably a plain), all objects will converge to the vanishing point at a distance of 1 nautical mile. Since we are above a plain the vanishing point will form a line i.e. the horizon.
The horizon is shown here to be an optical phenomenon thus, if the resolution limit changes due to using a zoom lens or, the height above ground changes (angle of attack) then, the distance objects converge to a point at (the horizon) changes also.
The globe model requires that the horizon is a physical barrier (the theoretical curve) that can only change in distance based on the viewers height. The distance to the horizon on a globe is (((coincidentally))) the same distance to the horizon as based on the human eye but, if a zoom lens is employed and the resolution limit is changed to any other value than 1 minute then, the model breaks down and is falsified.
So there you have it, the globe and Copernican models are falsified and we can start measuring objects and distances with our sextant. Any questions?
Time is up, and there's no dodging this bullet headed directly at your glow-in-the-dark skull! If you want to maintain any semblance of credibility, you need to acknowledge the fact that the eye has an angular resolution limit of 1 minute and its implications.