When you can run the Apollo Flight computer, or download the code, or buy a replica on Ebay, it's laughable you would suggest it was fake.
We can trace the development of computers prior to, and after the AFC. Parts of the OEM items are still available for examination.
therefore, we had a flight computer capable of the operations of the Apollo program. The Apollo astronauts used a sextant and a telescope to figure orbits. The design of each exists and that they worked and will work is a fact.
Hence, we do know how to get to the Moon and get back.
I don`t think the computer was fake and I never suggested it was . I suggested the transcripts you gave me to be fake, which they are no proof at all and anyone could of written those at any time, it is like a movie script you gave me as proof. I guess I am suppose to believe in the Bible to and Quran/Tanakh because they were written on paper?
I think the moon mission was fake, why? because of these 3 (
main reasons) not because of any computer.
Buzz Aldrin himself says he does not go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsjWEDSkbUUThe moon rock turned out to be fake https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/space/6105902/Moon-rock-given-to-Holland-by-Neil-Armstrong-and-Buzz-Aldrin-is-fake.htmlWe could not go back for a long time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16MMZJlp_0Y I'd go to the moon, but we don't have that technology anymore - NASA Astronaut Don Pettit
Now have I have 10 other minor reasons, like the shadows, the gravity, the water bubbles and a bunch of other stuff (wind blowing on a flag) etc.
I am not a flat earther. I know the whole flat earth propaganda was to throw people off from the money. Which is the main thing everyone should be talking about.
I do think they went to the moon later (than they said) with robot/drones and put some metal thing there so they could say they put some metal plate in when we shine lasers to prove we were there, funny how that metal plate being put in is not in your transcripts, just another anti proof by nasa themselves.
Show me in the transcripts where you see "retroreflector" and think about that word they made, retro reflector.
"I met Buzz Aldrin and it did not seem like he went to the moon" -Theo Von
He says it on JRE podcast at some point.