You can now send DigiBytes on Reddit, YouTube, Twitter & Twitch!
use "#digibytetip +(amount)" ex. "#digibytetip +1337" on all social platforms
1) Visit DigiByteTip Website & link one or all of your social media accounts
2) Deposit a small amount of DGB to your DigiByteTip address
3) Tip your friends, family others with the following syntax: (receiver must already be registered with DigiBytetip)
Twitter: #digibytetip @someone +123
Reddit: #digibytetip /u/someone +123
Twitch: #digibytetip +123
YouTube: #digibytetip +123
On YouTube & Twitch only the channel owner/streamer can receive tips.
This is beta software, use at your own risk & limit the amount of DGB you deposit.
We will never sell any of your personal data.
First DigiByteTip transaction: https://twitter.com/DigiByteCoin/status/561636438236614657
Future Planned Upgrades:
*Message notifications: right now both users must be registered with DigiByteTip. We are working on a notification system to notify unregistered users they have received a tip.
*Since tips are sent over the DGB network in realtime our next release allow users to be tipped directly on their own personal DigiByte address.
*Facebook integration tested & coming soon.
*Explanatory video & UI facelift.
*Multi-signature integration giving users the ability to handle their own private keys.