Not sure if this has been asked already but how did the investment work? Did you guys sell $250,000 worth of DGB to this angel investor? How many percentage of DGB did he buy with that 250,000? How will he be paid back? Or are you guys along with tofugear formed another company developing tech n services for DGB and the investment is actually for the company instead of DGB itself?
$250,000 worth of DGB at 20 satoshi would translate into around 3.272 billion DGB, more than the total existing DGB presently in circulation.
I think the underlying basis of your question is valid though, in spite of your belittling tone. They did say they're going to open offices in L.A. and China, I believe, but that's very preliminary and somewhat superficial, and I too think it would be interesting to know more about what the investors are hoping to get for their investment. It's obviously not DGB, so what is it?
Again, you bring up an important point regarding the need for further disclosure, and the more we can keep things serious and professional, the better the possibility we have for getting serious and professional answers.