.......Is the air clear now? Just wanted to share what i learnt:
Bitcointalk forum is heavily moderated. So keep it clean and simple. it will be awkward for a newbie to come in and find posts that seem to have ended but strangely continues, like a story book with missing pages here and there.
Back on TrackAnyway, would love to hear some updates from Jared/DigiByte. Besides the iOS wallet, what happened to the new website? is DigiByteGaming Wallet completely fixed already? and looks like Fishball Riot in Mongkok didn't get any worse. phew...
MARCH 4TH 2016, Next Friday:
http://bitcoinconference.co.za/speakers/jared-tate/Also, on the community side, anything new? contests? etc? putting that aside, glad to know that 2 new merchants have accepted DigiByte. One was
www.elektrischefietswinkel.com. And for the other, i was quite surprised to see 1 such post amidst the heated posts. When i saw it, it was like " (O_O) A GLIMMER OF HOPE!" LOL! i mean, just visualize a fight scene in a club room and someone just walks in and say "Hi, i would
love to join your club."
But gotta give some cheers to that new merchant
. For those who missed it, here it is:
hello I
love digibyte and believe on this coin and I have some online services store and would like to accept digibyte as payment where and who can I contact so I can integrate digibyte to my online service store ..
This is one of the service program that I want to receive digibyte ,would also like to include it to digibyte directory
http://seethis.us/Oh and here is a
PLEA that needs to be answered for
And last but not least, awesome work by
bitkapp and dennahz!
DigiByte Telegram Chat Bot
We are happy to announce that me and Dennahz are releasing a Telegram chat bot specifically for DigiByte! Below are some of the relevant points of information, links and usage tips!
Features: - Market data feeds from Poloniex and Bitfinex with multiple currency functionality
- Advanced market data features
- Market cap data
- DigiStats API integration including difficulty, coin supply, blockcount, network hash rates, number of nodes and more!
Usage Tips: - You can add the chat bot directly from your Telegram app by adding @digubot
- The commands should be sent as '/command' and not '/command@digubot' when in groups
- Please do your best not to spam and hence clog up the bot
Donation address: DEbyS2U1u7EucBAuyRXsGaixXr6e28Qk9e Alright! We need to get back into the groove!
DigiByte ain't gonna stop and end here. The year 2016 is rocking with lots of alt-corns and we will see which will POP! ◈◈◈ Trading Tip ◈◈◈
Never leave your coins on any exchange if you are not trading but HODL-ing (holding) them for a long time.
Download the coin's wallet and store them safely with password encryption.
Lastly, don't be lazy. Do it.