I think you should change the digireport to monthly updates so we dont fall short and miss out some weeks.
We all know how busy you are and it seems like its just to much to keep up with, I think monthly reports would be much easier for you and would be a treat for us members as you would have a lot of details to share from the previous weeks.
Anyways thats just my opinion so ill leave it with you.
Keep up the good work.
I would rather have weekly updates.
As an investor I like to stay in the loop.
If Jared doesn't have time then that's a different story.
Obviously he is making time for this so why change it to monthly ?
- Fall short? ....if he updates us weekly and continues to do a thorough job as he is then what is he falling short on?
dude I love how passionate you are but you need to read up a little before you post.
its been a while since the last digireport and I am guessing its because he didnt have news to report and for that reason I believe monthly (unless he has urgent news) would take the pressure of him and give us detailed/longer updates.