Ok Guys! I have wasted no time we will have a multi pool and our first official gaming site within 2 weeks we are asking anyone who cares about our community to help me raise 800$ in two weeks that is all we need not like doge who will beg for 50k all we need is 800$ USD in any way possible to grow we need your help you decide either we live or die like i said we don't promote bag holding
you create the value in dime coin it is just that simple. We need the support to grow if you have been scammed out by other coins here is your one true chance to find a home and actually belong to something big. Yes we are the conspiracy coin but all of our secrets will now be unveiled to the public the reason for so many coins circulating the crazy multi million dollar pumps every now and then (Dime time). The obvious answer is simple Dime coin has true value and true potential we are aware there are a few whales active around the coin waiting to dump and we are preparing for it so that we can continue to have a true future. So come on guys give this coin a fair chance me and Dimelord don't have any premine or anything all we own is out of our own pockets, effort and time. All we ask is support we just need 800$ in two weeks and the first site will be released to the public give us a bonus week just in case I hate dead lines but my advisor insisted on these so that investors wont sit around thinking they are being scammed out of their hard earned money Dime coin is for the every day working man /woman we are giving them a better alternative in the way they control their finances. Think about this if you own just one dime coin you are a owner of this company. I like to say Dime coin is more then a crypto but also a company wanting and willing to expand. We are able to make dead lines and as more Devs enter the team the faster things will go. Just this morning another Developer has joined the team that makes 3 Devs now on the team they will introduce their selves soon . If you simply don't believe me or trust what I say simply because you don't know me that is understandable just wait till Dimelord gets on and cosigns this you can even look at the older dime coin forum page I am their.
SO PLEASE DONATE we wont call you a shibe or a redd head this is a real community not a gang of dogs. I use to be a shibe but I saw the flaws in their community and decided to make dime coin pick up where they left off we could attract shibes here they will see we are way more honest and fair then Doge will ever be. Sorry for such a long post I hope people still like to read these days lol . All of this is important you wont have devs here that barely post I will always be here to handle any public relations.
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GUYS ANY AMOUNT COUNTS WE JUST NEED TO HIT THESE SMALL GOALS TO SEE BIG THINGS HAPPENING. Even if you donate a dime to Dime coin that will be a huge help--- AHAB