Bereits am 14. Februar hat Jonas Frederiksen folgendes angekündigt:
Hier das betreffende Amendment der EU dazu:
Der wohl relevanteste Part daraus ist:
concept of Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP)
that allows verification of a claim without
revealing the data that proves it, based on
cryptographic algorithms. The European
Digital Identity Wallet should allow for
verification of claims inferred from
personal data identification or attestation
of attributes without having to provide the
source data, to preserve the privacy of the
user of the European Digital Identity
Wallet, while presenting a proof with legal
effect. Such approach would allow the
holder to demonstrate, for example, that
he or she is an adult or where he or she is
located if that information is needed to
access a certain service. In addition, ZKP
could help fight against bots and
disinformation attacks, as platforms could
verify that an action on their platform
(content, vote, comment, etc.) is executed
by a real person located in the Union,
while preserving the right to anonymity
Amendments sind jetzt natürlich noch weder verpflichtend und schon gar nicht Gesetz, es ist viel mehr der Vorschlag wie bestimmte Paragraphen ergänzt und/oder abgeändert werden sollten. Die positive Grundstimmung ist daraus jedoch definitiv erkennbar.
Das ist jetzt auch für A0 sehr positiv, da bisher nicht klar war, was die Position der EU gegenüber Privacy-Coins wie eben A0 ist.