None of this matters until we get on a respectable/bigger exchange, and everyone knows it. Ranked 600 or 1200 doesn't mean a thing. Still out of sight out of mind, no matter how much is being done behind the scenes.
The Chezzz respectable/bigger exchanges are interested in volume and the userbase of the coin that will add value to their exchange. are currently listed on BITEBTC which is #28 on the list. 4 down from likely the most respectable exchange on the market, Coinbase Pro at #24.
We are also listed on STEX, #56 on the list.
I see mercatox and others aren't listed in the top 100.
Here is a list of the exchanges we would like to see DNotes listed on because they are what we would consider an upgrade, credible, and would be of benefit to DNotes in one way or another:
Coinbase Pro
Also well as
There could be others, but these have been around long enough, available to US citizens, have good volume that appears to be valid for the most part, and have real traffic to their exchange website in line with the amount of volume they have.
We have reached out to and spent a significant amount of time and resources trying to work with these exchanges and others. The smaller exchanges want money, and they really don't have anything of significance to justify the significant costs they are asking for, even if we could invest the tens of thousands of dollars it simply cannot be justified. Most of the larger exchanges are just not responsive.
Having been listed on many of the largest exchanges in the world over the years (Cryptsy, Mintpal, CryptoRush, PoloniEx at its largest, and even Cryptopia when it was a much bigger exchange, among dozens of others), with the exception of PoloniEx every single one has had a significant negative impact on DNotes in one way or another. It's not all peaches and roses. We did get more volume, but it was also very difficult to support the market, as the volume is almost entirely trading bots and day traders constantly trying to extract value out of every market in every way they can.
Just to stress that point, all of this volume from these high volume exchanges is either wash trading (reports from 86% to 95% is wash trading), or from traders looking to trade and make money, not from supporters of this or that coin. This is important because being listed on a bigger exchange could cause some increase in price temporarily (an hour to a day maybe?), the end result will likely be more volume and a lower price that is more difficult to support, and we are not currently in a position to be able to handle a significant level of support for the market.
While we would like to listed on these exchanges, it's not going to make or break DNotes in the short term, and it is clear that what we need to do is build a much larger demand and following. In order to do that we need to need to grow our reach and get the revenue and funding we critically need to continue to expand. We have explained how we plan to achieve this, growing HERo, our network, the new membership platform that we intend to use as the revenue model that will give us a better shot with investors. To put it bluntly, we have invested a lot of time effort and money into DNotes, all voluntarily to do something we believe in, a trusted and inclusive digital currency that can benefit everyone worldwide. If you want to take the time to understand what we are doing, why we are doing it, and support us in making this vision happen we are very grateful. If not, we understand as well, but we need to focus on those that understand and want to support us.