What you just need to do now is to make sure you don't break your decision of not spending much or even taking any more loan in other to gamble again as a result of looking for fast means to repay the loan. It's just a matter of time and dedication: You will be able to repay back all those loans. Your financial status might change over time and you can start earning higher than you are now, which will create a great chance for you to repay back in time earlier than you estimate.
However, the aspect of taking a loan is not to gamble, you can collect a loan to settle urgent bills and other things that are important but I don't think that it is a good idea to collect a loan just to gamble, if a gambler sees betting as fun then such gambler isn't supposed to collect loan just for the sake of gamble and catch fun.
I think the Op should just learn how to control his gamble habits and focus on how to pay back the loan but he should not put in mind that he will win to pay back the loan because that's what caused him to borrow the money at first, when he was trying so hard to recover his loses.
When someone is taking a loan to gamble, what does it mean? It only shows that he does not have the money to gamble himself and he is borrowing the money. This also means that the gambler gambling with the loan money in 100% sure that he will win in gambling because if he loses, then how he will pay back the loan (when he has nothing with him) ?
The only way for the gambler is to look for both sides of the picture and focus more on the dark side. He should ask himself how will he return the loan if he loses in gambling. Once the person honestly thinks about this, he will refrain from taking this undue risk that can ruin his life.