What causes the 'cause and effect' to stop working in case of God?
Tracking any particular electron, to determine the causes that act on it so that it's motion is the effect, is difficult. There really isn't any way to determine all the causes.
What about all the rest of the electrons, and the protons, and the neutrons, and the electromagnetic waves in the universe?
Thank you for showing your silliness with regard to God. It helps to understand how ignorant you want to remain.
I don't give a shit about your imaginary friend. Your Osiris fantasy does not interest me. What interests me is why you (and billion of other schmucks) are suffering from this delusion? The actual religious dogma is irrelevant.
You have brought up the 'cause and effect' argument. So you use it.
What causes God?
And if he does not need the cause, what causes 'the cause and effect' to stop working in case of your imaginary friend?
BTW, I think one of the reasons you suffer from this delusion is that you are gullible and uneducated.
I don't particularly care about my imaginary friend(s), either.
God, being outside of this universe as well as in it, doesn't necessarily have a cause. But if he did, you and stats would be among those who couldn't begin to understand it, because you can't even understand the proof of God's existence enough to formulate a rebuttal for it.
Forget about trying to comprehend the things that are outside the universe. You can't even comprehend the things within.