
Topic: Do you believe in god? - page 138. (Read 316048 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 28, 2017, 11:06:07 PM
Are the biblical years different from real years.  You guys seem to have methaphores for everything.  6 days were not really 6 days.  Maybe one biblical year is really 750,000 years.

4.54 × 109 years / 6 days = 7.56 × 108
7.56 × 108 / 6 = 1.261 × 108

Make one biblical day equal 1.261 × 108 our years then it works.

I am not sure, never took the Bible Algebra course. :-)  I divided 4.5B (real Earth age) by the biblical age:

4.54B=4,540,000,000 / 6000 = 760,000 years/biblical year

assuming 1 biblical year had 365 days:

760000/365 ~= 2082 years/biblical day

So God created universe in 2082*6=12,492 years LOL

You are forgetting one major point in all this. We don't KNOW how the universe came into being. We don't see one thing that can create any of this substance, and especially life. Your whole idea is guesswork. Just because a bunch of scientists and other people get a consensus going, wherein they state that their math and timing is accurate, doesn't make it accurate. It only makes it into widespread science fiction.


The 'calculations' were provided as a show biblical years and days...

BTW, we have a pretty good idea how our universe came about.  A very sound Math was recently developed that suggests the universes are being created as we speak...  
possibly an unlimited number of them, with about 10^520 of stable universes.  We are in one of the lucky stable ones...

iPhone at the time of Jesus was science fiction, magic really.

Somebody invented some math that shows how God is creating more universes? You have to be kidding. If it doesn't include God, there is no way to tell what is happening.

For example. If somebody invents a very sound form of math for counting the logs on the street outside of his house, it doesn't matter, when there are no logs outside his house.

Until God is in the creation equation, the math is not applicable to anything. It's simply science fiction like all the science theories.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 28, 2017, 09:56:55 PM
Are the biblical years different from real years.  You guys seem to have methaphores for everything.  6 days were not really 6 days.  Maybe one biblical year is really 750,000 years.

4.54 × 109 years / 6 days = 7.56 × 108
7.56 × 108 / 6 = 1.261 × 108

Make one biblical day equal 1.261 × 108 our years then it works.

I am not sure, never took the Bible Algebra course. :-)  I divided 4.5B (real Earth age) by the biblical age:

4.54B=4,540,000,000 / 6000 = 760,000 years/biblical year

assuming 1 biblical year had 365 days:

760000/365 ~= 2082 years/biblical day

So God created universe in 2082*6=12,492 years LOL

You are forgetting one major point in all this. We don't KNOW how the universe came into being. We don't see one thing that can create any of this substance, and especially life. Your whole idea is guesswork. Just because a bunch of scientists and other people get a consensus going, wherein they state that their math and timing is accurate, doesn't make it accurate. It only makes it into widespread science fiction.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 28, 2017, 09:52:50 PM
Further from the site:
This is an incredible chart.  The New Testament has 5,600 copies…In Greek.  The “in Greek” is significant because the original text was written in Greek (common language of the day).  If we add copies from various languages such as Latin the total number of copies would go as high as 24,000.  That is 24,000 copies of the original documents, the original writings of the Apostles.  No other document in antiquity can claim such a volume.  Other famous writers of antiquity fail this test. This is not to say that the copies of these other documents are inadequate or that the copies are wrong.  It is simply to say that you have much less quantity with which to verify its contents and, therefore, much less confidence in those copies.

Consider Plato.  Plato is well known for his writing “The Republic”.  There are only 7 copies of the original.  How confident can one be that the translation we read of “The Republic” is the one that Plato wrote?  Confidence level has to be low because you only have 7 copies to compare against one another.  However, historically speaking, “The Republic” has been accepted as an accurate recording of Plato’s words.


Haha, really? Now this is complete BS BADdecker. I only need 1 copy of the original to provide more than adequate proof when the contents thereof is verified against the ONE and ONLY original, which does not exist at all.

I saw that. You said, "Haha, really?!" So, you are joking around. After all, when the copies are almost exactly the same over hundreds or thousands of years, and when they are hand copied hundreds or thousands of times while remaining almost the same, why do you need the original? You would believe the original less than any of the copies, anyway. How do I know? Because you brush off the miracle even though you know that it is miraculous.

In addition, nobody knows that the originals of the books that make up the Bible do not exist.


Just admit it GODecker, my religion is older than yours, it was first, it has more written manuscripts before yours and people believed in it before your garden of eden was created. I win.

Hinduism is the true religion. Unlike your religion of hate and fear, Hinduism prescribes the eternal duties, such as honesty, refraining from injuring living beings (ahimsa), patience, forbearance, self-restraint, and compassion, among others. Varnashrama Dharma teaches an ideal system of a democratic, multicultural, global society with the values of equality and equal opportunities for all, the right to education, liberty, the dignity of the individual and participation in governance without fear.

Christianity crushes intelligence because it is a miserable system of fearmongering where your god rules through power, pain of death and eternal torture. Mine is a system of self education and awakening that enlightens the intellect, grows the spirit and celebrates sexuality, freedom and liberation from evil through self improvement. I can't understand why anyone, other than the most ignorant people, would want to believe in that miserable excuse of a religion called Christianity.

1 John 4:18:
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

So, if you have Jesus salvation, there is no fear in the sense of being afraid.

You can see the Biblical age of the earth here


Are the biblical years different from real years.  You guys seem to have methaphores for everything.  6 days were not really 6 days.  Maybe one biblical year is really 750,000 years.

I suggest you travel to Sweden and examine the 9,500 old LIVING tree.

Ah, let's see. Is the guy around who planted that tree 9,500 years ago? Well, are some of his family still around? How about some of his buddies? Did he leave a written record that has been handed down, parents to children, over thousands of years like the Bible record was? Well, maybe God came and told somebody that it was that old, right? Or were you there yourself back then?

Science guesswork isn't cutting it here.


You have a living tree that you can drill and count the tree rings and you are asking for a guy who planted it?

And you are not asking for people who wrote the Bible? 40+ authors over the course of 2500+ years.

It is surprising that you rather believe in a collection of Egyptian (Osiris), Jewish and Sumerian mythologies, but refuse to accept a physical evidence.

Just go to Sweden, there is probably museum there where you can sit down and count the rings yourself.  Just get there early to give you enough time.

Just apply for a passport, don't be afraid to travel outside of your county or village.

The question doesn't have anything to do with counting tree rings. It has to do with interpreting them.

Since nobody has been around for the last several thousand years, nobody knows if several thousand years ago tree rings didn't come about multiple times a year.

You have heard of evolution, right? You want to believe evolution is possible, yet you think that nothing ever changes. You are kinda weird that way.

It's like carbon dating. If there wasn't any C-14 before 5,000 years ago, all our carbon dating considered to be before that time is false.

Collections of Egyptian, Jewish, and Sumerian mythologies are on a scale so far beneath Bible fact, that there isn't even a glimmer of comparison. Study what the Bible is all about, and you will see that it is a marvelous book of general history, and a book that can't exist because of how it came together and what it says and how it has been passed down through the ages.

You are way off base in your thinking.

Activity: 1652
Merit: 1016
January 28, 2017, 05:44:25 PM
Are the biblical years different from real years.  You guys seem to have methaphores for everything.  6 days were not really 6 days.  Maybe one biblical year is really 750,000 years.

4.54 × 109 years / 6 days = 7.56 × 108
7.56 × 108 / 6 = 1.261 × 108

Make one biblical day equal 1.261 × 108 our years then it works.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 28, 2017, 05:20:46 PM
Further from the site:
This is an incredible chart.  The New Testament has 5,600 copies…In Greek.  The “in Greek” is significant because the original text was written in Greek (common language of the day).  If we add copies from various languages such as Latin the total number of copies would go as high as 24,000.  That is 24,000 copies of the original documents, the original writings of the Apostles.  No other document in antiquity can claim such a volume.  Other famous writers of antiquity fail this test. This is not to say that the copies of these other documents are inadequate or that the copies are wrong.  It is simply to say that you have much less quantity with which to verify its contents and, therefore, much less confidence in those copies.

Consider Plato.  Plato is well known for his writing “The Republic”.  There are only 7 copies of the original.  How confident can one be that the translation we read of “The Republic” is the one that Plato wrote?  Confidence level has to be low because you only have 7 copies to compare against one another.  However, historically speaking, “The Republic” has been accepted as an accurate recording of Plato’s words.


Haha, really? Now this is complete BS BADdecker. I only need 1 copy of the original to provide more than adequate proof when the contents thereof is verified against the ONE and ONLY original, which does not exist at all.

I saw that. You said, "Haha, really?!" So, you are joking around. After all, when the copies are almost exactly the same over hundreds or thousands of years, and when they are hand copied hundreds or thousands of times while remaining almost the same, why do you need the original? You would believe the original less than any of the copies, anyway. How do I know? Because you brush off the miracle even though you know that it is miraculous.

In addition, nobody knows that the originals of the books that make up the Bible do not exist.


Just admit it GODecker, my religion is older than yours, it was first, it has more written manuscripts before yours and people believed in it before your garden of eden was created. I win.

Hinduism is the true religion. Unlike your religion of hate and fear, Hinduism prescribes the eternal duties, such as honesty, refraining from injuring living beings (ahimsa), patience, forbearance, self-restraint, and compassion, among others. Varnashrama Dharma teaches an ideal system of a democratic, multicultural, global society with the values of equality and equal opportunities for all, the right to education, liberty, the dignity of the individual and participation in governance without fear.

Christianity crushes intelligence because it is a miserable system of fearmongering where your god rules through power, pain of death and eternal torture. Mine is a system of self education and awakening that enlightens the intellect, grows the spirit and celebrates sexuality, freedom and liberation from evil through self improvement. I can't understand why anyone, other than the most ignorant people, would want to believe in that miserable excuse of a religion called Christianity.

1 John 4:18:
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

So, if you have Jesus salvation, there is no fear in the sense of being afraid.

You can see the Biblical age of the earth here


Are the biblical years different from real years.  You guys seem to have methaphores for everything.  6 days were not really 6 days.  Maybe one biblical year is really 750,000 years.

I suggest you travel to Sweden and examine the 9,500 old LIVING tree.

Ah, let's see. Is the guy around who planted that tree 9,500 years ago? Well, are some of his family still around? How about some of his buddies? Did he leave a written record that has been handed down, parents to children, over thousands of years like the Bible record was? Well, maybe God came and told somebody that it was that old, right? Or were you there yourself back then?

Science guesswork isn't cutting it here.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 28, 2017, 04:45:12 PM
Further from the site:
This is an incredible chart.  The New Testament has 5,600 copies…In Greek.  The “in Greek” is significant because the original text was written in Greek (common language of the day).  If we add copies from various languages such as Latin the total number of copies would go as high as 24,000.  That is 24,000 copies of the original documents, the original writings of the Apostles.  No other document in antiquity can claim such a volume.  Other famous writers of antiquity fail this test. This is not to say that the copies of these other documents are inadequate or that the copies are wrong.  It is simply to say that you have much less quantity with which to verify its contents and, therefore, much less confidence in those copies.

Consider Plato.  Plato is well known for his writing “The Republic”.  There are only 7 copies of the original.  How confident can one be that the translation we read of “The Republic” is the one that Plato wrote?  Confidence level has to be low because you only have 7 copies to compare against one another.  However, historically speaking, “The Republic” has been accepted as an accurate recording of Plato’s words.


Haha, really? Now this is complete BS BADdecker. I only need 1 copy of the original to provide more than adequate proof when the contents thereof is verified against the ONE and ONLY original, which does not exist at all.

I saw that. You said, "Haha, really?!" So, you are joking around. After all, when the copies are almost exactly the same over hundreds or thousands of years, and when they are hand copied hundreds or thousands of times while remaining almost the same, why do you need the original? You would believe the original less than any of the copies, anyway. How do I know? Because you brush off the miracle even though you know that it is miraculous.

In addition, nobody knows that the originals of the books that make up the Bible do not exist.


Just admit it GODecker, my religion is older than yours, it was first, it has more written manuscripts before yours and people believed in it before your garden of eden was created. I win.

Hinduism is the true religion. Unlike your religion of hate and fear, Hinduism prescribes the eternal duties, such as honesty, refraining from injuring living beings (ahimsa), patience, forbearance, self-restraint, and compassion, among others. Varnashrama Dharma teaches an ideal system of a democratic, multicultural, global society with the values of equality and equal opportunities for all, the right to education, liberty, the dignity of the individual and participation in governance without fear.

Christianity crushes intelligence because it is a miserable system of fearmongering where your god rules through power, pain of death and eternal torture. Mine is a system of self education and awakening that enlightens the intellect, grows the spirit and celebrates sexuality, freedom and liberation from evil through self improvement. I can't understand why anyone, other than the most ignorant people, would want to believe in that miserable excuse of a religion called Christianity.

1 John 4:18:
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

So, if you have Jesus salvation, there is no fear in the sense of being afraid.

You can see the Biblical age of the earth here

Activity: 2156
Merit: 1393
You lead and I'll watch you walk away.
January 28, 2017, 01:28:58 PM
Further from the site:
This is an incredible chart.  The New Testament has 5,600 copies…In Greek.  The “in Greek” is significant because the original text was written in Greek (common language of the day).  If we add copies from various languages such as Latin the total number of copies would go as high as 24,000.  That is 24,000 copies of the original documents, the original writings of the Apostles.  No other document in antiquity can claim such a volume.  Other famous writers of antiquity fail this test. This is not to say that the copies of these other documents are inadequate or that the copies are wrong.  It is simply to say that you have much less quantity with which to verify its contents and, therefore, much less confidence in those copies.

Consider Plato.  Plato is well known for his writing “The Republic”.  There are only 7 copies of the original.  How confident can one be that the translation we read of “The Republic” is the one that Plato wrote?  Confidence level has to be low because you only have 7 copies to compare against one another.  However, historically speaking, “The Republic” has been accepted as an accurate recording of Plato’s words.


Haha, really? Now this is complete BS BADdecker. I only need 1 copy of the original to provide more than adequate proof when the contents thereof is verified against the ONE and ONLY original, which does not exist at all.

I saw that. You said, "Haha, really?!" So, you are joking around. After all, when the copies are almost exactly the same over hundreds or thousands of years, and when they are hand copied hundreds or thousands of times while remaining almost the same, why do you need the original? You would believe the original less than any of the copies, anyway. How do I know? Because you brush off the miracle even though you know that it is miraculous.

In addition, nobody knows that the originals of the books that make up the Bible do not exist.


Just admit it GODecker, my religion is older than yours, it was first, it has more written manuscripts before yours and people believed in it before your garden of eden was created. I win.

Hinduism is the true religion. Unlike your religion of hate and fear, Hinduism prescribes the eternal duties, such as honesty, refraining from injuring living beings (ahimsa), patience, forbearance, self-restraint, and compassion, among others. Varnashrama Dharma teaches an ideal system of a democratic, multicultural, global society with the values of equality and equal opportunities for all, the right to education, liberty, the dignity of the individual and participation in governance without fear.

Christianity crushes intelligence because it is a miserable system of fearmongering where your god rules through power, pain of death and eternal torture. Mine is a system of self education and awakening that enlightens the intellect, grows the spirit and celebrates sexuality, freedom and liberation from evil through self improvement. I can't understand why anyone, other than the most ignorant people, would want to believe in that miserable excuse of a religion called Christianity.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1016
January 28, 2017, 01:25:46 PM
Never mind what colour his hair was. Did he ever exist in the first place, that's the question.

Christianity was a sophisticated government propaganda exercise to pacify the subject of the Roman Empire.

* Don't bother replying BADlogic, you'll only lie anyway. Thanks. *

Very insteresting theory

But were the Jews really so important mighty Rome would have to create a religion in order to pacify them?

If so, why would there be so many banishments and murders of Christians up to 313 AC

It is more than a theory.  There is an actual physical evidence that it is true.
Titus Flavius Josephus was a real person, a first century Jewish historian.  Wrote a nice story, got a Roman citizenship, the rest is history :-)

Note how many times the guy in the video pushes his glasses back on his nose. Much of the time they didn't even need it. Is he shy and nervous? Can't he find a good optician? Doesn't he know how to adjust his own glasses by bending them a little? Maybe he would see history in a whole different light if he could just get his glasses settled onto his face.


Nervous I expect. Someone like you might try to execute him.

Activity: 32
Merit: 0
January 28, 2017, 12:02:43 PM
Do you believe in god? If you do, why do you believe? (give a few reasons)

Yes, I do believe in God

I don't know whether they exist or not.
It's my belief and I don't know the reason
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 28, 2017, 11:29:06 AM

I gave you the reasoning. Bible history shows that this may easily have been so.


You gave me shit, Israelities were not bloody blonde
Hell, they're not blonde today when they have white genes

Of course, you lived back then. Or you have seen some snapshots of people from back then.

Haven't you figured out that change is occurring all over the place, around the world? If you believed in evolution, you would realize this.

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 527
January 28, 2017, 10:33:38 AM
yes i believe because i don't think that world exist by its own and there is no one who create it...... i don't think so that the order of the world..... the working of every thing in order..... the day comes after night..... the solar system..... the nature came into existance by its own..... there is some one behind this...
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1150
January 28, 2017, 07:15:28 AM

I gave you the reasoning. Bible history shows that this may easily have been so.


You gave me shit, Israelities were not bloody blonde
Hell, they're not blonde today when they have white genes

It is more than a theory.  There is an actual physical evidence that it is true.
Titus Flavius Josephus was a real person, a first century Jewish historian.  Wrote a nice story, got a Roman citizenship, the rest is history :-)



Stop giving me documentaries!

I stayed up till 2am yesterday watching the last one  Cheesy

I'm not saying that Tit Flavius was the guy Jesus was based on, I'm just saying Christanity probably wasn't invented because of Jews.
They weren't such an important factor in the Roman Empire, it might have just been the start of the idea.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 28, 2017, 04:44:33 AM
Further from the site:
This is an incredible chart.  The New Testament has 5,600 copies…In Greek.  The “in Greek” is significant because the original text was written in Greek (common language of the day).  If we add copies from various languages such as Latin the total number of copies would go as high as 24,000.  That is 24,000 copies of the original documents, the original writings of the Apostles.  No other document in antiquity can claim such a volume.  Other famous writers of antiquity fail this test. This is not to say that the copies of these other documents are inadequate or that the copies are wrong.  It is simply to say that you have much less quantity with which to verify its contents and, therefore, much less confidence in those copies.

Consider Plato.  Plato is well known for his writing “The Republic”.  There are only 7 copies of the original.  How confident can one be that the translation we read of “The Republic” is the one that Plato wrote?  Confidence level has to be low because you only have 7 copies to compare against one another.  However, historically speaking, “The Republic” has been accepted as an accurate recording of Plato’s words.


Haha, really? Now this is complete BS BADdecker. I only need 1 copy of the original to provide more than adequate proof when the contents thereof is verified against the ONE and ONLY original, which does not exist at all.

I saw that. You said, "Haha, really?!" So, you are joking around. After all, when the copies are almost exactly the same over hundreds or thousands of years, and when they are hand copied hundreds or thousands of times while remaining almost the same, why do you need the original? You would believe the original less than any of the copies, anyway. How do I know? Because you brush off the miracle even though you know that it is miraculous.

In addition, nobody knows that the originals of the books that make up the Bible do not exist.

sr. member
Activity: 441
Merit: 278
It's personal
January 28, 2017, 03:14:33 AM
Further from the site:
This is an incredible chart.  The New Testament has 5,600 copies…In Greek.  The “in Greek” is significant because the original text was written in Greek (common language of the day).  If we add copies from various languages such as Latin the total number of copies would go as high as 24,000.  That is 24,000 copies of the original documents, the original writings of the Apostles.  No other document in antiquity can claim such a volume.  Other famous writers of antiquity fail this test.  This is not to say that the copies of these other documents are inadequate or that the copies are wrong.  It is simply to say that you have much less quantity with which to verify its contents and, therefore, much less confidence in those copies.

Consider Plato.  Plato is well known for his writing “The Republic”.  There are only 7 copies of the original.  How confident can one be that the translation we read of “The Republic” is the one that Plato wrote?  Confidence level has to be low because you only have 7 copies to compare against one another.  However, historically speaking, “The Republic” has been accepted as an accurate recording of Plato’s words.


Haha, really? Now this is complete BS BADdecker. I only need 1 copy of the original to provide more than adequate proof when the contents thereof is verified against the ONE and ONLY original, which does not exist at all.

Activity: 2156
Merit: 1393
You lead and I'll watch you walk away.
January 28, 2017, 03:02:01 AM
The Rigveda (Sanskrit: ऋग्वेद ṛgveda, from ṛc "praise, shine" and veda "knowledge") is an ancient Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns. It is one of the four canonical sacred texts (śruti) of Hinduism known as the Vedas. The text is a collection of 1,028 hymns and 10,600 verses, organized into ten books (Mandalas). Originally composed between 1700-1500BC it remains the oldest written scripture available. Thousands of copies were written down hundreds of years before the advent of Christianity.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 28, 2017, 01:19:38 AM

Here's the way western Christians see Jesus or Iesous.

Considering where he was born, this is what he really looked like.

Check the Bible for the description of O.T. King David. He was ruddy in appearance, probably a redhead or blonde.

Jesus was a physical descendant of David's. We don't know that today's M.E. people are exemplary of people 2,000 years ago.


A redhead or a blonde in Israel?

What the fuck

Are you serious?  Cheesy

I gave you the reasoning. Bible history shows that this may easily have been so.


Bible history?  Bible is a bunch of horseshit:

You guys should take out the obvious BS.  

Why do you think like this?

The Bible is a miraculous book. It can't exist the way it does. One simple fact alone makes it virtually impossible. That fact is the writings found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Research into the Dead Sea Scrolls shows that the Old Testament was almost exactly the same 2,000 years following the time the Dead Sea Scrolls were placed in the Qumran Caves. How can this be, since the only way the later copies came into being was through people copying them? There was guidance from God to make it happen this way.

First, if the Bible were unimportant, there would have been very little copying of it. Second, if the Bible were unimportant, the copies of it after the Dead Sea Scrolls would have changed far more than the tiny bit that they did.

In addition, consider the following chart from

AuthorDate WrittenNumber of CopiesAccuracy of Copies
Plato427-347 B.C.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
January 27, 2017, 11:13:28 PM

Here's the way western Christians see Jesus or Iesous.

Considering where he was born, this is what he really looked like.

Check the Bible for the description of O.T. King David. He was ruddy in appearance, probably a redhead or blonde.

Jesus was a physical descendant of David's. We don't know that today's M.E. people are exemplary of people 2,000 years ago.


A redhead or a blonde in Israel?

What the fuck

Are you serious?  Cheesy

I gave you the reasoning. Bible history shows that this may easily have been so.


Bible history?  Bible is a bunch of horseshit:

You guys should take out the obvious BS. 

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 27, 2017, 10:03:16 PM
Never mind what colour his hair was. Did he ever exist in the first place, that's the question.

Christianity was a sophisticated government propaganda exercise to pacify the subject of the Roman Empire.

* Don't bother replying BADlogic, you'll only lie anyway. Thanks. *

Very insteresting theory

But were the Jews really so important mighty Rome would have to create a religion in order to pacify them?

If so, why would there be so many banishments and murders of Christians up to 313 AC

It is more than a theory.  There is an actual physical evidence that it is true.
Titus Flavius Josephus was a real person, a first century Jewish historian.  Wrote a nice story, got a Roman citizenship, the rest is history :-)

Note how many times the guy in the video pushes his glasses back on his nose. Much of the time they didn't even need it. Is he shy and nervous? Can't he find a good optician? Doesn't he know how to adjust his own glasses by bending them a little? Maybe he would see history in a whole different light if he could just get his glasses settled onto his face.

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
January 27, 2017, 09:42:45 PM
Never mind what colour his hair was. Did he ever exist in the first place, that's the question.

Christianity was a sophisticated government propaganda exercise to pacify the subject of the Roman Empire.

* Don't bother replying BADlogic, you'll only lie anyway. Thanks. *

Very insteresting theory

But were the Jews really so important mighty Rome would have to create a religion in order to pacify them?

If so, why would there be so many banishments and murders of Christians up to 313 AC

Dumb theory under Rome the Jews were a defeated people utterly crushed not once but twice and driven into slavery and dispersed exile. For Rome the Jews were a rebellious afterthought a defeated people.

Interesting history on the Jewish rebellions against Rome:
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 27, 2017, 09:27:11 PM

Here's the way western Christians see Jesus or Iesous.

Considering where he was born, this is what he really looked like.

Check the Bible for the description of O.T. King David. He was ruddy in appearance, probably a redhead or blonde.

Jesus was a physical descendant of David's. We don't know that today's M.E. people are exemplary of people 2,000 years ago.


A redhead or a blonde in Israel?

What the fuck

Are you serious?  Cheesy

I gave you the reasoning. Bible history shows that this may easily have been so.

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