Well, ask yourself about yourself. Imagine that you are a cab driver. You give a couple of guys a ride to a fast food place with the instruction to wait for them to get lunch, and then to take them on to another destination. They rob the fast food place. You don't know it. Are you a crook for earning a living, especially since you didn't know what they were doing?
I told you before, the cab driver thing doesn't work, because the cab driver isn't omnipotent.
Now if God was the cab driver, he would know full well in advance what the guys would do. If he was happy with them doing it, he would give them a ride, if not then he wouldn't.
But you conveniently forget the part where both the O.T. and Jesus said that we are gods. God made us so great that we have some God-like capabilities. God made us so great as to have free will that He can't entirely outguess. But this free will is in the strength of our faith.
God, with good and right intentions, made people to be righteous. People could have remained righteous. The fact that they didn't isn't God's fault. If God had forced them into being unable to sin, they would not have had freedom, and they would not be people.
God obviously designed people so they can sin. So yes, it's his fault people sin.
Why just not invent sin in the first place?
But God also designed people so that they didn't have to sin, and he commanded them not to. So, it was people who decided to sin when they were told not to.
Then, to make sure that people didn't have an excuse like you are trying to use, God made a way out for people, but people rejected the way out willingly, just like you are doing. You have no excuse.
Are you afraid to accept His salvation where there is forgiveness for the sins?
Loaded question. You've presupposed that I need salvation.
The fact that you continually speak against God, shows that you need salvation from His anger against you for the way you talk. The fact that you are able to exist for even a moment after speaking against God shows that you have this salvation temporarily. But if you don't acknowledge Jesus, your Savior, you will lose any salvation that you have, when you die.
In the New Universe God is creating, there will be none of the pains and problems any longer. There will only be joy. Everything in this universe and life will be forgotten forever by those who go to the New Universe God is making.
Well, let's hope he doesn't use rotten wood and dodgy nails this time round.
God didn't use anything imperfect the first time. The second time will only be for those people who have placed themselves under His dominion, voluntarily, while living here. So, when He takes away the will to sin in the afterlife, He will simply be doing as everyone who joins Him has asked Him to do. Those who don't ask Him to do it will perish with this universe.
When you get to the quagmire of everlasting destruction that Hell is, remember that you are the one who didn't accept the way out.
Better than brown nosing.
But it won't feel better in Hell. Your choice, however.
He sent me to you to warn you, and probably other people as well.
The only people that has sent you are the religious elite, with their manufactured artifical threat.
Well, if it makes you feel important.
The proof will be in the resurrection. But think well. It doesn't hurt me much to be religious if there is no resurrection. But it will hurt you greatly if there is and you haven't changed.
But you, of your own free will, didn't listen. Turn and be saved while you have the chance.
Can't do that. No free will remember.
We don't even have free will.
We don't have free will in the things of life. We do have partial free will regarding our faith in God. Then God looks at our faith, and adjusts life according to the way our free will faith suggests. No free will in the things of life, but free will in a portion of our faith strength.
Consider this parable that Jesus told. From Luke 13:6-9:
6 Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any.
7 So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’
8 “ ‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it.
9 If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’ ”
Jesus is watering you and fertilizing you through the things I am telling you. But if you don't produce fruits of faith within the time allotted to you, you will be cut down and thrown into Hell.