Don't waste my time with 10 baggers.
National currencies were/are the citizen's unit-of-account because it is very costly store your cash flow in a unit-of-account which is not the predominant unit-of-exchange.
Now that we are transitioning to B2C and P2P (C2C) globalized commerce, we need in some areas (especially intangible Internet commerce) a globalized unit-of-account and exchange.
Read that second sentence again and understand the profound implications. The coming moat is no longer national boundaries but tangible versus intangible (Industrial Age versus Knowledge Age) commerce. Also make sure you read my essay in the Economic Devastation thread.
Like the Joseph Jei Ted talk. While I've got nothing in me in area of Bitcoin/technology I can relate to having a nagging 'calling' passion, call it what you want that I have been procrastinating about for some years now and have to make some moves in the right direction soon. I dunno if everyone has the 'big thing' in them in fact I'm pretty sure most don't cause I met so many people who are happy with the small mundane daily joys and seem to want nothing beyond that.
The big test I think for real leaders in any sphere is you have tho put up with a lot of misunderstanding. You can talk your vision as much as you want but most won't get it or simply won't be interested in it (thats cause vision is so individual) only a few and they are the ones in your sphere you need to collaborate with I guess. Stating the obvious I know but we all need nudging along the pathway and cheerleading sometimes, we're human after-all...and all real vision is always reaching for something that seems at times impossible.....thats the point, it has to push past what is already known or done. Vision is often a lonely business.