"serious side effects"
sleepy, headachy, stomach achy'
aww poor badecker thinking that these symptoms are 'serious'
does baby need his blanky and some warm milk.. awww diddums. time for bed littleman
Even that is much more severe than most people who get 'covid-19' according to the rt-PCR 'gold standard' of diagnosis of the supposed condition. Most of these don't even know they had had it.
But if you want a side order of transverse myelitis then the mRNA vaccine might be just what the doctor ordered. And if you prefer some other dish there are surely a lot more.
You should read the mainstream media rags which state that there is a danger of underselling the severity of the immediate reaction that almost all people get because a big danger is that a lot of people will not come back for seconds. The first one is reportedly so bad that many of the victims may literally run for the hills. And the 2nd one is supposed to be even worse!
the amount of people getting these symptoms is much smaller than those who get covid symptoms
you are sounding ridiculous and foolish by saying "almost all people get"
the only risk factor they found for anything above the standard 'ouchy needle hurt' are the one in a million that have a allergic reaction due to a pre-existing disposition to severe allergies
by this i dont mean everyone that gets heyfever should stay away or everyone that pretends milk/meat/gluten will harm them.. i mean real proper allergic pre-dispositions.
EG if you need an epi-pen. then be cautious
but this allergic advice goes for any food/medicine/treatment that every has been put into a human
oh and the data about 'adverse reactions'
had a 0.6% of people with the cry baby mild stuff..
by this i mean. symptoms that even eating christmas turkey can cause.
oh and by the way those receiving a placebo of salt water had 0.5% . so its not 0.6 risk due to the vaccine. its a 0.1% risk of any crybaby stuff due to the vaccine.
because . yep there were just as many cry babies in the placebo group.
and the percentage/odds of having anything severe is far far far lower