I am curious to know if someone continually invested a lot of time in studying a game involved in gambling, further if he had played the game a lot to understand the intricacies involved, then can we call him an expert in that gambling game? If we do call him an expert then we clearly differentiate his experience and expertise from that of a novice. This clearly shows that the person is capable of winning more as an expert than the novice who really does not have the in-depth understanding of the play.
This brings us to an interesting question if hard work in gambling really pays off? If one puts in a lot of efforts to understand a game involved in gambling, does it mean that all his time has gone down the drain? Certainly no. If gambling were simply a blind guess or a wild shot then even years of studying it makes it useless because one is simply guessing the outcome blindly. But such is not the scenario with gambling in reality. What makes hard work count in gambling?
This further sets off the question of addiction in gambling. Work can also be an addiction for many. But here the addiction could be for perfecting the game and the art of playing. This kind of addiction is to struggle every time for success by proper calculation and review. However, addiction can also be due to pure greed of winning with no clear knowledge of the game. If hard work counts, then we may actually find a solution for a healthier addiction towards success in gambling.
Anything that you focus into will yield you result, but gambling is a different arena, there are intricacies and pitfalls that you should watch out, the first thing that you need to develop I believe is controlling if you don't have it you will not know when and how to stop when you are winning and when you are losing.
of all the fields gambling offer a different perspective compared to other fields, you will end up losing a lot of winning so much but each rewarding once you master your control and develop your own strategy.
I couldn't agree more. Self-control is very important since we are talking about gambling, which involves strong urges or winning as always no matter what it takes, and this kind of mindset is kind of tricky, sometimes it has good results, and sometimes it is the other way around. In gambling hard work doesn't recognize by the house edge, it doesn't care who you are, how powerful you are in real life, how rich you are, but what it cares about is how you are going to lose your money, that what is all matters.
So, in short, it is important that you know, by yourself that you won't go anywhere in gambling if what you are thinking always is winning, even though the reality is the exact opposite of it, there is no harm on trying, but there will be harm if you'll insist yourself that you are going to win big in gambling if you don't stop, be smart about your decisions.