I've started to learn to code and one of my first programs was Martingale test.
1- after every lost bet i double
2- after every win bet i go back to initiation bet
3- initiation bet is 1 $
4- when i can't afford for next bet i exit casino with money i have left
5-I do 100 000 test
6- After every win limit is increased by winning amount.
First test with limit of 1000$ (1000 times oryginal bet) - I think that its amount that most of Martingale enthusiasts enter casino (1000 times more money than single bet).
Average gambler was in casino for 4.8 days and was loosing 10.21 $ per hour. The Richest gambler achieved 446 k $ after 5 years in casino - day by day 8 h a day.
Let's test 1 000 000 times original bet (my pc was calculating it for too long so i set nr of test for 10 000 - i think that its enough to get satisfying results)
Again loss. 20$ per hour on average. Average gambler survived 1 mil rolls and exit with 570 000$. The Richest gambler spent 28 years in casino and tripled money - he was not zeroed. He reached limit of rolls set by me to avoid infinite loop. 28 years is in fact maximum for human to spend in casino (btw. tripling in 28 years. Inflation is bigger
Well. Maybe strategy was to hardcore - playing untill death and taking what's left. Let's say that you would quit after doubling money or go home with 0. I code that too to see what the chances are.
Lets start easy. We enter casino with 500$ and want to exit with 1000$
Only 39% of them doubled money. Its less than if they enter casino and bet everything on red (~48%).
500$ is too small?
Lets start with 1 000 000 $ again.
Loss again. Even worst - 27% chances to double. That's because with higher limit you have to earn more to double. This simulation shows that Martingale simply don't work and is worse than betting everything on red and going home. Gambling should be considered as fun with luck. Every strategy would destroy you and your brain. Go, bet earn/loos have fun but don't thing that with special strategy you have chance to win repetitively and earn for living. Well you can but due to luck ... net math and strategy.
At the end i'll post few result.
I can share my code but i bet you can all write it by yourself. Its easy after few days of learing. That way you can simply test every possible strategy for free.