FINANCIAL WAROF COURSE, we are already at war but only the intelligent ones notice it.
Very interesting watching the moves of China & Russia
1. The US has always been taking issue with the low valuation of the Chinese currency , the Yuan, which prevents it from increasing American exports because of the more expensive dollar. So China relented, gradually making stronger the Yuan.
Then on February 22, 2004, the Ukrainian Parliament ousted Yanukovich after the US-directed coup
The very next day, the Yuan suddenly made its biggest fall, back to where it started, destroying the American export revival.
2. Current lowering of the oil price which is believed to be a collusion of the US & Saudi Arabia.
Well, we can see the problems now in the Anglo-Zionist stock markets.Doomsday talks abound, the Western propaganda press unable to make its propaganda heard.
As ZenVortex wrote:
It appears that Russia, probably in collaboration with China, is retaliating against sanctions and oil price manipulation by trying to disrupt the Anglo/Zionist money markets and crash the American stock market. If successful, the strategy will produce an economic decline in the USA and Europe similar to that which followed the collapse of the American housing market in 2008.
Last week saw a major increase in volatility in the financial markets. The outstanding event was a single massive trade of $3/4 Billion that caused a flash crash of the SP 500 futures market. Similar flash crashes have occurred in the Australian dollar (and probably other Anglo/Zionist currencies) during the last 6 months and are caused by single massive trades that cause an explosion of volatility. This is not High Frequency Trading, but single massive orders hitting the market like tactical nuclear weapons.
The massive trades in the Australian dollar have usually coincided with the opening of the Shanghai stock exchange, which suggests that the Chinese government is involved. A typical crash lasts about one second and can cause extreme losses for investors who are in the market when it happens. The effect of these crashes is to dramatically amplify market volatility and cause investors to leave the market.
If the volatility continues ~ especially in the American stock market ~ it is likely to lead to a major crash as institutional investors dump their shares, followed by mass exodus by the general population as fear and panic set in.
It's interesting to note that the size of the Australian dollar trades was exactly 7,500 contracts every time the crash took place and the SP 500 trade was 75,000 contracts (the SP 500 is a correspondingly bigger market). The numbers 7,500 and 75,000 reinforce the theory that these trades originated from the same source
(NOTE: the EU economies, including Germany, are already in third-dip recession since 2008, made worse by the Russian food-ban counter-sanction so these financial upper cuts are icing on the cake)3. Note also that Australia has become the whipping boy:
Australia is the only Western country that escaped recession since the 2008 Depression because of the high commodities export to China.But last week, after the oil price decrease has started, China suddenly taxed the coal from Australia. China is the biggest consumer of coal & 20% is supplied by Australia, a big part of its income. Australian economy might join its bankrupt WEstern cohorts soon having a tanked economy.
This is really entertaining because Russia & China are using the tricks of the Anglo-Zionists in retaliating with them. And they are winning... (or if we believe the gossip, the Zionist bankers are already split & a good portion have actually joined the two future emerging leaders. Very good gossip if it's true.)