You're confusing the civil war with 1930s famine. During rule of Lenin's government the agriculture production was increased dramatically... Pre-WW1 levels of agriculture production were reached in less than two years.
So called Holodomor happened a long after his death and wasn't unique for the Ukraine. Any "privatization" of 1930s famine is a complete disgrace for the memory of people who died across the country. There were millions of victims across Russia, Belarus and other republics.
By the way, it's funny to see that so-called Holodomor is recognized as an act of genocide by the same countries which imposed the sanctions against USSR during these years. Yes, it was an act of genocide indeed, genocide of soviet people made by the UK, US and their allies.
Without these stupid sanctions there won't be a famine led to millions of victims. Pretty typical for this hypocrites, put a sanctions on the country and then blame it for everything happened.
I will trust the people of Ukraine to know the facts of their own history, not jingoistic 'Great Mother Russia can do no wrong' propaganda.
You are right that Ukraine was not alone in suffering from the communist collectivization experiments. Yes, many died in neighboring states. But that does not diminish the right of Ukrainians to blame their unwanted Bolshevik overlords for the disaster.
Fed by the 'kulak' farmers, Ukraine had been self-sufficient for centuries. It is a huge fertile place, and not dependent on trade to feed itself. So blaming "sanctions" for the famine is not a reasonable explanation. That is flimsy, revisionist 'Russia can do no wrong' propaganda.
While our common enemies (the oligarchs of Moscow, New York, and London) profited, the people of the US did what they could to help our suffering fellow western civilization: you believe the rosy production reports from the time of Lenin's rule, I have some oceanfront property in Mongolia which may interest you. You know what happened to anyone filing a less-than-suburb production report? They were taken out and shot, or sent to Siberia.
Speaking of Siberia, Solzhenitsyn testified to the validity of his Ukrainian friends' grudge against Russia:
Furthermore, he says the 'gift' of provinces was a mockery of proper government:
In 1919, when he imposed his regime on Ukraine, Lenin gave her several Russian provinces to assuage her feelings. These provinces have never historically belonged to Ukraine. I am talking about the eastern and southern territories of today’s Ukraine.
Then, in 1954, Khrushchev, with the arbitrary capriciousness of a satrap, made a “gift” of the Crimea to Ukraine. But even he did not manage to make Ukraine a “gift” of Sevastopol, which remained a separate city under the jurisdiction of the U.S.S.R. central government.