Cutting off the pipeline to Ukraine doesn't mean cutting off the gas to the major European countries like Germany because the NOrd Stream will still be open. The pipeline through Ukraine only affects those found south of it like Slovakia, Romania, Bulagaria, Hungary, etc. But then the interconnection from Germany-Czech Republic will ensure supply to HUngary, Slovakia & down south but will leave the villains cold- Ukraine, Poland, Romania.
THe LNG will never work in bankrupt European economies because it is more expensive. The liquefacttion process dissipates 1/4 of the volume so they will lose much of the gas. That doesn't include the expensive infrastructures needed. Handling and distribution costs. More expensive gas, more inconvenience. Take note we are talking of hard-up countries which don't have deep pockets here because of their low growth & high debts. The LNG shift is not a small thing but could crash their highly-leverage economies.
This is just one of the minor moves- the freezing of Ukraine (the Ukie NAZIs will become insane trying to escape the cold & the pitchforks of the angry people who are freezing to death because of the NAZI stupidity). There are many more moves, btw. It is still a long game but I guess this winter may just end all the delusions of the stupid NAZI putschists.
Poland is a villain? For what? Being being carved up by Molotov-Ribbentrop, then occupied by two successive totalitarian regimes?
That's exactly the kind of Kremlin apologist's revisionist history that drove the Baltic states into the welcoming arms of NATO, to soon be joined by Ukraine and Belarus, with central Asian states following.
How wise of you to drop your previous claim that LNG terminals cannot withstand low temperatures, because that was a stupid, easily disproved thing to say.
I already remarked on the massive expense of LNG infrastructure, while making the point that Gasputin's Crimean offensive will serve to accelerate its development regardless of high costs.
LNG technology will only improve, and the more the Bear reverts to its bad old ways of violence the more motivated the research for higher liquefaction recoveries. NATO and its Middle Eastern puppets have so much gas available, and the ships are so gargantuan, we don't really mind losing 1/4 of the volume; its just the cost of doing business.
Speaking of business, the clients Gasputin sacrifices for the sake of aggression (Slovakia, Romania, Bulagaria, Hungary, etc.) have highly educated populations and improving economies which stand to benefit from the information revolution, especially as catalyzed by Bitcoin.
If they can't afford the LNG investment now, don't worry because the IMF/World Bank oligarchs are more than happy to lend them the money. That emphasizes my point about Gasputin's evil only serving the interests of New York/London/Moscow high finance at the expense of all the world's regular people.
I understand that comprehending real economics is difficult for you, having been brainwashed by Marxist nonsense, but please look into the Austrian and Chicago schools, so you will become capable of understanding things like supply and demand.