Pooty-poot can use his 'Gas Weapon' all he likes. Doing so only accelerates development of competing LNG facilities, while breathing new life into the petrodollar.
Btw, it's obvious the game plan is to use the ISIS drama to force a pipeline to Syria but like so many of the failures in the last decade, that won't pass. Those villains who survived the Iskandar missiles would have frozen to death by then...
Take a test: stay in a freezer -20 then try to build a gas storage tank, see how long you will last...
Multi-billion dollar LNG terminals mean we don't need to rely on piplines. Did you see the size of those ships? They are freaking enormous!
The picture above is in Alaska, where -20 is considered to be a nice sunny day and a vast pipeline has been running sine the 70s. The point is that if Gazprom (AKA GASPUTIN) does not wish to sell its products to Europe, Chevron and Exxon are very happy for the increased business.
That, in turn, prolongs the life span of the petrodollar hegemony. Vlad Putin is in check, with no good moves left on the board.
LOL, Still low IQ, dude.
Cutting off the pipeline to Ukraine doesn't mean cutting off the gas to the major European countries like Germany because the NOrd Stream will still be open. The pipeline through Ukraine only affects those found south of it like Slovakia, Romania, Bulagaria, Hungary, etc. But then the interconnection from Germany-Czech Republic will ensure supply to HUngary, Slovakia & down south but will leave the villains cold- Ukraine, Poland, Romania.
THe LNG will never work in bankrupt European economies because it is more expensive. The liquefacttion process dissipates 1/4 of the volume so they will lose much of the gas. That doesn't include the expensive infrastructures needed. Handling and distribution costs. More expensive gas, more inconvenience. Take note we are talking of hard-up countries which don't have deep pockets here because of their low growth & high debts. The LNG shift is not a small thing but could crash their highly-leverage economies.
This is just one of the minor moves- the freezing of Ukraine (the Ukie NAZIs will become insane trying to escape the cold & the pitchforks of the angry people who are freezing to death because of the NAZI stupidity). There are many more moves, btw. It is still a long game but I guess this winter may just end all the delusions of the stupid NAZI putschists.
See, I told you, you still have a low IQ...