
Topic: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. - page 290. (Read 734937 times)

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Activity: 252
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Activity: 252
Merit: 250
 ECB: capital flight from Russia has hit $220bn | via @Telegraph
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Activity: 252
Merit: 250

#Putin Lies Continue. USA Today has published satellite images of location of RU troops on the border with Ukr

sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250

GermanForeignOffice ‏@GermanyDiplo

FM #Steinmeier at #EU #FAC: „Referendum“ in Eastern #Ukraine is illegal. We cannot and must not take it seriously.
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Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Cтpeлкoв oпpoвepгaeт pacпpocтpaнeнный oт eгo имeни пpикaз

 Пo coцceтям aктивнo paзмнoжaeтcя тeкcт пpикaзa якoбы oт имeни Игopя Cтpeлкoвa — лидepa oпoлчeния Cлaвянcкa, ввoдящeгo нa Дoнбacce вoeннoe пoлoжeниe. «Pидyc» выяcнил, чтo этo «фeйк», a зaoднo — ктo в нeм зaинтepecoвaн.

 B pacпpocтpaнeнии пoдлoжнoгo дoкyмeнтa, cтoит oтмeтить, выcтyпил жypнaлиcт Oлeг Кaшин (пpичeм, имeннo eгo нaзывaют пepвoиcтoчникoм). Cлeдoм жe этy нoвocть paзмнoжили мнoгиe poccийcкиe CMИ, пpaктичecки вce цeнтpaльныe yкpaинcкиe мeдиa, a тaкжe зaпaдныe aгeнтcтвa, в чacтнocти, Reuters.

 B пoддeльнoм пpикaзe Cтpeлкoвa гoвopитcя, в чacтнocти, o ввeдeнии нa вceй тeppитopии Дoнбacca peжимa кoнтpтeppopиcтичecкoй oпepaции co вceми для мecтныx житeлeй вытeкaющими — a-ля кoмeндaтcкй чac. Taкжe лжe-Cтpeлкoв cвoим pacпopяжeниeм взял пoд кoнтpoль вce вoopyжeнныe фopмиpoвaния нa тeppитopии ДHP. Hy, и нaкoнeц, в пoдoлжнoм пpикaзe лидep лyгaнcкиx oпoлчeнцeв якoбы пoтpeбoвaл oт пpeзидeнтa Poccии Bлaдимиpa Пyтинa ввecти нa югo-вocтoк Укpaины вoйcкa.

 B кoммeнтapии пo элeктpoннoй пoчтe Cтpeлкoв зaявил, чтo этo «oчepeднaя пopция лжи», oтмeтив, чтo oн никoгдa нe пoдпиcывaлcя звaниeм «вepxoвный глaвнoкoмaндyющий», кpoмe тoгo, «имeeт cвoйcтвo пoдпиcывaть coбcтвeнныe пpикaзы и cтaвить нa ниx пeчaть».

 Пo eгo мнeнию, дaнный инфopмaциoнный вбpoc нaпpaвлeн нa дecтaбилизaцию внyтpи Дoнeцкoй Pecпyблики и paзoбщeниe ee aктивиcтoв. Пoзжe, пo eгo cлoвaм, Cтpeлкoв вoзмoжнo cдeлaeт видeooбpaщeниe нa ceй cчeт.

 Пoлитoлoг Aлeкcaндp Кaзaкoв в кoммeнтapии «Pидycy» зaявил, чтo тeкcт пoдлoжнoгo пpикaзa pacпpocтpaняeтcя нe тoлькo пo Ceти, нo и в видe лиcтoвoк в нaceлeнныx пyнктax югo-вocтoкa Укpaины. Пo eгo cлoвaм, ceйчac бyдyт бpoшeны вce ycилия нa тo, чтoбы вo-пepвыx paccopить пoлитичecкиx и вoeнныx лидepoв югo-вocтoкa, a вo-втopыx, дeмopaлизoвaть житeлeй вoccтaвшиx гopoдoв.

 «Taкoгo poдa вбpocы бyдyт пoявлятьcя вce чaщe и чaщe, — cпpoгнoзиpoвaл пoлитoлoг. — B инфopмaциoннoй вoйнe, кoтopaя вeдeтcя из Киeвa, чyвcтвyeтcя зaoкeaнcкaя pyкa».

 Пo cлoвaм Кaзaкoвa, тexнoлoгия пoдoбнoгo «вбpacывaния» пpимepнo oднa и тa жe. Cнaчaлa нeкaя oткpoвeннo лживaя инфopмaция пyбликyeтcя нa кaкoм-тo втopocтeпeннoм pecypce, пoтoм eгo пyбликyeт кaкoe-тo «yвaжaeмoe» yкpaинcкoe издaниe a-ля УHИAH, Цeнзop.нeт, Кoppecпoндeнт.нeт и ижe c ними, зaтeм этa нoвocть фopмyлиpyeтcя кopoтким cyxим cooбщeниeм, кoтopoe paзгoняeтcя пo зaпaдным aгeнтcтвaм. Hy, a зaпaдныe CMИ cклoняют нoвocть пo cвoeмy coбcтвeннoмy ycмoтpeнию.

 Пpичeм, кaк oтмeчaeт пoлитoлoг, дaжe ecли «фeйк» вcкpывaeтcя, кaк ceгoдня, этo нe игpaeт никaкoй poли, вeдь poccийcкиe пoльзoвaтeли нe являютcя aдpecaтaми пoдoбнoгo вбpoca. «Дa, нaши CMИ пoпpaвятcя, yкpaинcкиe дaжe coглacятcя, чтo нaвpaли — нy, c кeм нe бывaeт, a вoт зaпaдныe CMИ никaкиx oпpoвepжeнии нe бyдeт, тa линия кoтopaя пpoдвигaлacь, oнa тaк и бyдeт пpoдвигaтьcя»…

 Дoбaвим, чтo Aлeкcaндp Кoц (вoeнный кoppecпoндeнт «КП») тaкжe cвязaлcя c Игopeм Cтpeлкoвым и yтoчнил нeмaлoвaжнyю дeтaль:

 «Пoкaзaли Cтpeлкoвy дoкyмeнт. Cтpeлкoв этo нe пoдпиcывaл, xoтя пpoeкт тaкoгo пpикaзa был. Toлькo пpoeкт».
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Donetsk People's Republic asks Moscow to consider its accession with Russia

This is interesting, and, I think, a bit hasty. They should rather reinforce their independence and ask for peacekeepers.

Yes. They will have to exist as an independent nation for a few years, before being granted accession with Russia. Any immediate merger will prove extremely expensive for Putin.

Not to say, controversial.

In the meantime, they see strength in numbers, so Donetsk People's Republic announced their readiness to merge with Lugansk People's Republic:

Ukraine continues its invasion of the neighbouring state, heavy artillery fire is heard in Slavjansk:

Ukraine closed border control posts in Lugansk region. Do they have jurisdiction to do so now?

This is because Lugansk officially proclaimed their independence right after Donetsk, with grounds in international law:

Here is Dontesk people's Republic independence proclamation news:

The USA Founding Fathers should be happy. More nations are following their example!  Grin

State Duma factions welcome Ukraine referendum results

“Such referendums are even more in line with the original referendum idea than those held by the state as these are real grassroots events,” Melnikov told reporters. ”If the share of those who support federalization is above 90 percent, it becomes a primary political factor that simply cannot be ignored,” he added, calling the event “an important signal flare for the fight of all southeast [Ukraine].”
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219
Donetsk People's Republic asks Moscow to consider its accession with Russia

This is interesting, and, I think, a bit hasty. They should rather reinforce their independence and ask for peacekeepers.

Yes. They will have to exist as an independent nation for a few years, before being granted accession with Russia. Any immediate merger will prove extremely expensive for Putin.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Medical jet with wounded RT journalist lands in Moscow

“We are also very grateful to the medics at Mariupol hospital, who did everything possible to save our journalist’s life. Thank God he was wearing a bulletproof vest. According to doctors, if not for the bulletproof vest, he would have died at the scene,” she added.

“We were approximately 300-400 meters away from the Internal Affairs HQ building. Your journalist was showing to the armed people in masks that he was unarmed and that he was with the press, that he was a journalist. Then he tried to cross the street, and that’s when the shot was made and he fell down,” the resident said in an interview to RT.

Donetsk People's Republic asks Moscow to consider its accession with Russia

This is interesting, and, I think, a bit hasty. They should rather reinforce their independence and ask for peacekeepers.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Nice to see freaks like pagan having epic butthurt now Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust
Wonder how the world map would look like if that would be possible.

Thanks for the pic.
I thought that the city is just split in two parts not that it's a real puzzle.
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
chaos is fun...…damental :)
Wonder how the world map would look like if that would be possible.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359

A resident of Krivoj Rog demands that his house is annexed to Russia. Cheesy

We had a mayor who wanted a referendum that his village would become part of Germany also Smiley.
Wonder how the world map would look like if that would be possible.
Village is an administrative entity, as well as city, region or republic... It has borders, local authorities etc. So formally it's possible, allowed by law and already has been done many times in the 20 century. But of course, nobody would allow to perform that today due to 'democracy' bullshit. Smiley

Let's say that the romanian government will allow this.
Would any country in this world be insane enough to recognize that village or town as part of it's territory?
Of course, if it will result with some benefit for both sides. It's a possible loophole which could be used to resolve some delicate issues. You can prevent 3rd party from arresting actives of your company or even protect specific citizen from extradition.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
There is a precedent for it.
Look up Baarle-Nassau in Google Maps. Some houses have front doors in Netherlands and back doors in Belgium. They tax by where their front door is. Cheesy

Yeah , but that is a problem with the border.
If every village could join what country they want you could go from France,Germany,china,japan,us,Canada in less than 3 km. Smiley
Half of the population would be border patrols and customs officers.

And that would solve unemployment problems!  Tongue

I said before that people who think that today's borders are set in stone are fools. Yugoslavia was re-written. Other borders will be as well. It all needs soak time.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust

A resident of Krivoj Rog demands that his house is annexed to Russia. Cheesy

We had a mayor who wanted a referendum that his village would become part of Germany also Smiley.
Wonder how the world map would look like if that would be possible.

There is a precedent for it.
Look up Baarle-Nassau in Google Maps. Some houses have front doors in Netherlands and back doors in Belgium. They tax by where their front door is. Cheesy

Yeah , but that is a problem with the border.
If every village could join what country they want you could go from France,Germany,china,japan,us,Canada in less than 3 km. Smiley
Half of the population would be border patrols and customs officers.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust

A resident of Krivoj Rog demands that his house is annexed to Russia. Cheesy

We had a mayor who wanted a referendum that his village would become part of Germany also Smiley.
Wonder how the world map would look like if that would be possible.
Village is an administrative entity, as well as city, region or republic... It has borders, local authorities etc. So formally it's possible, allowed by law and already has been done many times in the 20 century. But of course, nobody would allow to perform that today due to 'democracy' bullshit. Smiley

Let's say that the romanian government will allow this.
Would any country in this world be insane enough to recognize that village or town as part of it's territory?

Germany for example will likely gain all it's African territories with this kind of move but it will hurt them economically more.

Just like some russian ask themselves why to pay for Crimea when they have their own problems. And i'm sure there are people thinking like that.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014

A resident of Krivoj Rog demands that his house is annexed to Russia. Cheesy

We had a mayor who wanted a referendum that his village would become part of Germany also Smiley.
Wonder how the world map would look like if that would be possible.

There is a precedent for it.
Look up Baarle-Nassau in Google Maps. Some houses have front doors in Netherlands and back doors in Belgium. They tax by where their front door is. Cheesy
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359

A resident of Krivoj Rog demands that his house is annexed to Russia. Cheesy

We had a mayor who wanted a referendum that his village would become part of Germany also Smiley.
Wonder how the world map would look like if that would be possible.
Village is an administrative entity, as well as city, region or republic... It has borders, local authorities etc. So formally it's possible, allowed by law and already has been done many times in the 20 century. But of course, nobody would allow to perform that today due to 'democracy' bullshit. Smiley

hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust

A resident of Krivoj Rog demands that his house is annexed to Russia. Cheesy

We had a mayor who wanted a referendum that his village would become part of Germany also Smiley.
Wonder how the world map would look like if that would be possible.
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219
This looks legitimate, legal and calm. Any one disagreeing with me?

Meanwhile, heard that the EU is considering a third wave of sanctions against Russia, over Crimea and Ukraine.
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