FAKE OF THE DAY. “Punitive operation” in Mariupol B_Mapиyпoлe_кapaтeли_пoпытaлиcь_пoвтopить_oдeccкий_cцeнapий
Chanel Russia 24 covered the events as follows:
As reports Russia 24, the Ukrainian National Guard opened fire on a convoy of children. Classic methods of propaganda were used in the report.
Substitution of a fact by an opinion. Unknown man comments on the events, at the same time this is not confirmed by the picture from the scene. Actually, we could not find neither evidence of the shooting at children, nor the convoy of children itself.
Video confirms this.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ixdQf1ut0YIn the same report the events near the police headquarters presented as an execution of the police officers who did not obey an order of Arseniy Avakov.
The reality was, however, a little different.
There was a video of the events right near the headquarters published on the net. People were escaping form the building using a ladder. These people were not police officers.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgq5OdsE_sAAs was reported earlier, the troops of the National Guard arrived later, to help the police, who resisted an attempt of the terrorist to seize the building of the police headquarters.
As a result of a full-fledged combat resistance20 terrorists were destroyed.
The locals gathered to watch the “show”. We have recorded large number of women and youths. Sometimes there were more women than men in the place of confrontation.
It is striking that men, frankly, opening their jackets, and calling “kill me”, went to soldiers who were performing a combat mission. Women in this situation are beginning to scream and be indignant.
Their main slogan is that they are peaceful and unarmed.
At the same time a terrorist open fire on soldiers of the National Guard form behind (people don’t notice this), and pull out Molotov cocktails. By the way, Molotov cocktails need to be prepared in advance.
Here we publish a photo of armed men who are in the near proximity of the police headquarters at the very beginning of the assault.
The report also states that the first victims of the “punitive operation” were officers of the Mariupol police.
However, it is these officers who first resisted the assault on the police headquarters. They were killed in a shootout with terrorists. One of them is Mariupol Traffic Police Chief Viktor Sayenko. The Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Mariupol was captured by the terrorists. His whereabouts are not known.