
Topic: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. - page 295. (Read 734937 times)

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Activity: 252
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From Euginia Vetsko status update: "I took part in so-called referendum in Luhansk. Well… The attendance there will be not even 100%, it will be 150%. And not because everyone desperately wants to join Russia or create Luhansk People Republic (I have to acknowledge, those thoughts occur). To “vote” I did not even need the passport. Nobody asked for it. I was signed, then I received the bulletin and here we go. Sometimes those who looked trustworthy get several bulletins. So to say, Russia in bulk. And… the voting cabins are not present in every station. Sometimes you have to mark the answers right at the desk of “regional voting committee”. I had to step aside )). My fellow countrymen recently started to behave aggressively, still I am not ready to vote for the creation of Luhansk Republic even while working “under cove

Eвгeния Beцькo
Пpинялa yчacтиe в тaк нaзывaeмoм peфepeндyмe в Лyгaнcкe. Hy чтo ж... явкa тaм бyдeт дaжe нe 100, a 150%. И нe пoтoмy, чтo вce бeшeнo xoтят в Poccию или coздaть Лyгaнcкyю нapoднyю pecпyбликy (xoтя, пpизнaтьcя, тaкиe нacтpoeния пpeoблaдaют). Для тoгo, чтoбы "пpoгoлocoвaть" мнe нe пoнaдoбилcя дaжe пacпopт. Eгo пoпpocтy нe cпpocили. Зaпиcaли, дaли "бюллeтeнь" и пpивeт. Инoгдa - тeм, ктo внyшaeт ocoбoe дoвepиe - дaют нecкoлькo бюллeтeнeй. Taк cкaзaть, Poccия oптoм. A! и кaбинки для гoлocoвaния тoжe дaлeкo нe нa кaждoм yчacткe ecть. Пpиxoдитcя cтaвить гaлoчки, oблoкaчивaяcь пpямo нa cтoл "yчacткoвoй кoмиccии". Mнe пpишлocь oтoйти )) Зeмляки мoи в пocлeднee вpeмя aгpeccивнo вecти ceбя cтaли, a зa coздaниe Лyгaнcкoй нapoднoй pecпyблики я нe гoтoвa гoлocoвaть, дaжe кoгдa paбoтaю "пoд пpикpытиeм" )))
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250

The OSCE and the “absurdity” of referendums in eastern Ukraine

By Dmitry Tymchuk, Coordinator, Information Resistance
05.10.2014 Facebook
Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly called for the cancellation of “absurd” referendums in eastern Ukraine.

It’s not entirely clear why the OSCE is urging to abolish what they themselves called absurd. Ukraine itself has noted and explained why this action is clownery that has nothing to do with the referendum. The civilized world has supported it [Ukraine’s position]. What other questions can be asked about the sick fantasies of pro-Russian terrorists?

This bunch of alcoholics and simply inadequate personalities controlled from Moscow, could even declare themselves a Universal empire, and require our galaxy to pay tribute to them. But would this nonsense even be worth commenting on? It is comparable to asking mentally ill people to abandon their hallucinations. They need to be treated and isolated from society because they pose a threat to others, and they cannot be reasoned with.

Source: Dmitry Tymchuk, FB
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250

Ukraine's bogus referendums
Alternate realities

IT looked almost like a real election day in Donetsk, the capital of the industrial Donbas region in eastern Ukraine. Polling stations in the usual schools and kindergartens opened on time, their entrances decorated with balloons, and jolly music played outside. Young and old queued up to cast their vote in transparent ballot boxes. There was but one hitch: the referendum for the self-rule of the Donetsk People’s Republic was a fake, a product of an extraordinary information war, just like the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic.

Today’s referendum was illegal under Ukrainian law; polling stations had no electoral registers (people not on the out-of-date lists simply added their names in handwriting, some voted twice) and the people who organised it were imposters, backed by the same masked men with guns who have occupied government buildings. As imitations go, it was certainly a success. To increase the illusion of a high turnout, the separatists reduced the number of polling stations, leading to long queues to show on Russian television. “It was one of the largest special operations ever seen by Ukraine,” said Alexander Kliuzhev, of the Voters’ Committee, a civil group for clean elections in Donetsk.

Yet while the referendum itself was a farce, the people who were drawn into this spectacle were real, as were their frustrations, fears, their confusion and the anger over years of successive corrupt governments in Kiev.  Also real was the violence in and around Donetsk.  At least one man died, reportedly shot by a member of Ukraine’s national guard in the town of Krasnoarmeisk, north-west of Donetsk.

A few hours further north in the rebel stronghold of Sloviansk, people went to vote after a restless night of violence. South of the city, a line of railway cargo wagons served as a makeshift rebel barricade. Lying underneath a wagon and peering through his binoculars for Ukrainian forces, Dimitry, aged 37, said of the referendum: “We need to get our political and economic independence and then we can define our future.”

Close by, a 54-year old called Galina had spent the night frightened in her cellar with her husband and mother-in-law. She had voted in favour of the ballot proposition and claimed that everyone she knew had done the same. “We are fed up with such a life.”

Those who voted did not at all agree on what they were actually voting for. Some thought it was independence, others were convinced it was the federalisation of Ukraine. The key Russian word in the question, which in English could be translated as “independence” or “self-reliance”, is equally slippery in Russian.

Denis and Anna Antonova, who turned up at the polling station in Donetsk with their 18-month-old son, said they wanted the Donetsk region to be part of Russia because they had not seen anything good from Ukraine. The small shop which Denis used to own had been forced to close because of constant raiding by police-backed gangsters. “When my mother was dying of cancer, I could not get her medicine.” The region shows few signs of any government and although Donetsk may look almost normal by day, at night cars without licence plates and with gunmen inside roam freely around the city.

The biggest irony of this bogus referendum is that those who support Ukrainian sovereignty —allegedly nearly 70% of people in the region— do not recognise the referendum and so did not vote. Many in Donetsk simply left town in fear of the violence. One lady, who asked not to be named, said that “all pro-Ukrainians are staying at home.” She also said she believed that another vote, to join Russia, was going to be held on May 18th, a rumour which others repeated though no announcement has been made.

Those who did not go to vote, including Galina and Valery Polianitsa, who want to keep Ukraine united, feel abandoned by the state. “It is really dangerous to unfold Ukrainian flags on the streets or speak Ukrainian on the street…This is crazy – we are in our own country.”

As this post came out, Viacheslav Ponomarev, the self-proclaimed People's Mayor of Sloviansk, proclaimed that preliminary results indicated an 80% turnout. An election official said that in one district of Sloviansk 1,505 had voted in favour of the propositon and 23 against and that results coming from elsewhere were similar.

The result of the referendum has no legal status, but it could be used in political games played by Ukrainian oligarchs who control the region. Some observers suggest this might be used to extract concessions from Kiev, including a federal status. But given the level of violence, the amount of weapons in the hands of militants, and Russia’s apparent proxy war against Ukraine, there is every chance that eastern Ukraine will turn into a grey, unrecognised and undesirable zone which nobody voted for.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250

Ukrainian authorities: Russian troops in the guise of UN force close to border

Close to Cechnya.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Tы бы нaблюдaтeлeм пopaбoтaл, дypилкa.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250

Super-swift calculation is ready: #Donetsk separatists announce 74,87%turnout in region, 89,07%for secession, 10,19%against. ukrpravda |EMPR

Best part is that the 89% actually matches up by the “forecast” in released taped phone calls between Russia and Sep

sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250

Ukrainian authorities: Russian troops in the guise of UN force close to border

Some Russian armoured vehicles located not far from the border with Ukraine are in the colours of the UN peacekeeping forces.

Sergey Pashinsky, acting head of Ukraine's presidential administration made the statement when he was asked whether he was aware of Russia's intention to bring so called peacekeepers into the country after the 'referendum' in Donbas.

Peacekeepers may enter a country only after a special resolution is adopted by the UN Security Council, the top official reminded. In other cases these forces will become occupants, he said.

'The fact that a convoy of armoured vehicles painted in the UN's colours is situated in the territory of the Russian Federation is true; Russia also deploys combat units there,' Mr Pashinsky stated. According to him, any intervention into Ukraine will be considered as military aggression and will trigger an appropriate reaction., following,19699,ukrainian-authorities-russian-troops-in-the-guise-of-un-force-close-to-border.html
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014

"National Guard" opens fire on civilians and journalists, after people plead them to go away.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
"How the voting process was organized" ©

sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
In Krasnoarmejsk "National Guard" fascists opened fire at people who came to vote. Oner person murdered:
Fatality, injuries in Ukraine's Krasnoarmeysk as national guards open fire - witnesses

One civilian was killed and several others wounded in eastern Ukraine as the National Guard started shooting at protesters and voters, who had gathered around a seized polling station in Krasnoarmeysk, self-defense forces and witnesses said.

“I just saw the National Guard kill one and injure several others,” Russian journalist Ilya Azar wrote in his micro-blog. Later this was confirmed by Denis Pushilin, the co-chairman of the self-proclaimed People's Donetsk Republic.

"People were just standing there, unarmed, outside the city council seized by the Guard," Azar tweeted commenting on a photo of the dead young man:

“Before the shooting took place in Krasnoarmeysk people were negotiating with the 'national guards' in the administration building.They have told people that they are here peacefully and were asking for cigarettes, next thing we know they start shooting.”

“We are lying on the ground. Burst fire over our heads,” Timur Olevskiy, correspondent for Echo Moskvy radio station wrote in his Twitter page. “The killed person had pushed a guard. I didn’t see it. The people standing closer said.”
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219
This is an unexploded mortar shell. Many similar shells were being fired at Slavyansk by the Right Sector and sections of the Ukrainian army.

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Alas, I don't have time to translate it in full - is your friend here.

However, here's a short synopsis of the events leading to Mariupol massacre.

Police and the protesters had an unwritten agreement in Mariupol that the protesters don't take to arms, and the police does not interfere with marches and meetings.

On the 9th of May the chief of police Androshuk, collected all officers and told that he got a directive from Kiev that the Victory Day memorial meeting will have disruptive elements and that police is to disperse this meeting, and should anyone protest, to open fire without warning.

Police officers refused to obey such orders, so Androshuk shot one of the officers, wounding him. He then called in Right Sector backed reinforcements that attacked the police head questers. The people at the Victory Day demonstration still didn't know what was happening.

By the time shots were hear, people rushed from the demonstration to the police headquarters to assist the besieged policemen, who were trapped in the burning and shelled HQ building.

Androshuk is found hanged near Mariupol airport:

The number of confirmed dead during the Odessa massacre is now 48, with 200 wounded:

Meet-up for referendum in Lugansk region is over 75%:

In Krasnoramejsk (RedArmyCity) the voting was aborted due to military intervention, taking over the voting locations:
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219
Pro-federalization activists have called on all men in Donetsk and Lugansk regions to guard the polling stations after end of referendum.

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Mass media (German Bild) told about participation ow Western mercenaries (from Academia/Blackwater) in punitive operations in the East of Ukraine:

Here it is in English:
400 US mercenaries 'deployed on ground' in Ukraine military op

The Bild am Sonntag newspaper, citing a source in intelligence circles, wrote Sunday that Academi employees are involved in the Kiev military crackdown on pro-autonomy activists in near the town of Slavyansk, in the Donetsk region.

On April 29, German Intelligence Service (BND) informed Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government about the mercenaries’ participation in the operation, the paper said, RIA Novosti reported. It is not clear who commands the private military contractors and pays for their services, however.
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