
Topic: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. - page 333. (Read 734937 times)

Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
He don't need any legit evidence, Obama told him so. Cheesy

I suppose that he prefer to ignore this video:

Or, maybe, post some bullshit instead of answer, something like "It's a Putin under the guise"... All propagandist  scums are stupid enough for that. Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 334
Merit: 250
Care to show some legit evidence for your claims, Pagan? Was there any serious investigation which would confirm identity of those two poor lads and prove us, beyound any doubt, who killed them and under what circumstances? I guess no. This is old and well known propagandist pattern: take pictures of slaughtered or decomposing bodies, add some random women and children crying tears in front of the ruined buildings, slap some big words like "OMG! HELP! STOP " onto it, and finally throw that shit into the face of (western) public. Only goal is to dehumanize "other side" and represent it as horde of mindless, blood-thirsty animals and thus justify everything that might follow.

Anyway - enough is enough. Welcome to my ignore list Pagan, you've managed to be the first one ever on it.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
ruϟϟians special forces and ruϟϟian nazis crimes in Ukraine. In this photos deputy Rybak and a student from Kiev, gutted bellies, cut genitals. Putin thus protect ruϟϟians.


hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
Kerry promised Lavrov to persuade Kiev to de-escalate tension in the East of Ukraine:

Kerry de-facto acknowledged controlling Kiev. Smiley

are you sure maybe it is scientology... lol
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219
Looks like Kiev halted their operation without pushing further into the center of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and other rebellious towns? I suppose that there is a lot of diplomacy going on behind the stage, which is a good thing.

They have positioned themselves around the major cities, with snipers already in place. Just waiting for the right moment to launch their attack. Anyway.... right now they are facing a shortage of experienced troops who are willing to fight.
sr. member
Activity: 334
Merit: 250
Looks like Kiev halted their operation without pushing further into the center of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and other rebellious towns? I suppose that there is a lot of diplomacy going on behind the stage, which is a good thing.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
They really need to try to capture/kill some of those unidentified gunmen. From the same report that I linked to yesterday:

After the military raid ended, some of the self-defence militia moved forward to retake the checkpoint. Those who were guarding the checkpoint, told Slier that the unmarked attackers in black uniforms were armed with ‘US-made guns’.

That SBU Alphas are doing covert work is not that surprising...

Also, just read this:
Ukrainian military forcing Russian reporter to kneel caught on camera

A photo taken by a Western journalist shows Ukrainian troops menacing a reporter for Russian news outlet LifeNews and forcing him to get on his knees at a checkpoint between the Kharkov and Donetsk regions in eastern Ukraine
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219
Three Ukraine elite Alpha group agents captured in Donetsk region

Three members of Ukraine’s special anti-terrorist unit Aplha have been detained during a covert mission in Donetsk region, amid the buildup of Kiev’s military near the cities controlled by pro-federalization forces. Commander of the “Donetsk Republic” self-defense forces, Igor Strelkov, has confirmed reports that three members of the Alpha special tactical assault group of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) have been detained in the city of Gorlovka, in Donetsk region.

Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219

Unknown assailants landed in helicopters and attacked a checkpoint in Soledar city in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region, a militia source told RIA Novosti adding that there is a fight going on.


“Armed men attacked our warehouses storing weapons, we are repelling the attack, there is fighting,” Interfax cites a militia in the people’s self-defense HQ as saying.

Already there are close to 200 foreign mercenaries stationed in Donetsk oblast. Most of them are from the US (Greystone), while the remainder seems to be from Australia. Now it seems that the Kiev junta is importing even more of them.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Kerry promised Lavrov to persuade Kiev to de-escalate tension in the East of Ukraine:

Kerry de-facto acknowledged controlling Kiev. Smiley

In the meantime:
Unknown gunmen land from helicopters, attack checkpoint in Donetsk region - militia

Unknown assailants landed in helicopters and attacked a checkpoint in Soledar city in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region, a militia source told RIA Novosti adding that there is a fight going on.


“Armed men attacked our warehouses storing weapons, we are repelling the attack, there is fighting,” Interfax cites a militia in the people’s self-defense HQ as saying.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Crimean authorities denied that Ukraine stopped delivering water from Dnepr, though the levels are record low (4m3/sec, whereas 80m3/sec are needed):

Also, RIA published photos of the concentration of Ukrainian troops under Slavjansk:
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219
That worked. I'd say the distribution for South and East looks about right.

OK... anyway even by those results, the referendum on joining the NATO is going to fail. South and East overwhelmingly against the move, while the Center more or less divided.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
I get grey page in FireFox with tracking blockers.

OK.. check whether this link is working or not:

That worked. I'd say the distribution for South and East looks about right, following the sentiment from this poll:
And Western Ukraine is almost Poland.

Activity: 3808
Merit: 1219
I get grey page in FireFox with tracking blockers.

OK.. check whether this link is working or not:
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Google-translate with some quick corrections:

April 26. Lugansk . Press service of Army Staff of the Southeast .


We, the Joint Army of the South - East, for three weeks, starting from April 6, tried to bring up the Kiev junta that storming of the building of the SBU is not a goal per se. This was just an attempt to be finally heard. We just wanted to convey to the Kiev authorities that the people of Lugansk region is no longer able to make himself inhuman treatment . Intimidation, arrests, harassment, dismissal, neglect, racism - this was the response from Kiev junta to peaceful demands of residents.

Our requirements were simple and common - an amnesty to all political prisoners , the referendum , the abolition of tariffs and price increases , the Russian language . This basic requirements are clear to the government of any civilized country . And they have been heard all over the world. And so , on April 17 in Geneva, Russia , the U.S. and the EU negotiating table with the Ukrainian side and signed the Geneva agreements obliging Kiev junta amnesty participants protests and listen to the voice of the South- East.

For all these requirements Kiev gave their answers :

1. Junta continues to call us separatists and terrorists , and calls Maidan legitimate protesters .
2. Junta has deployed armed gangs "right sector" of Kiev close to Donbas in Dnepropetrovsk city, taking the children's camp.
3. Junta armed and manned at public expense National Guard, consisting of maydanovtsev that cut and burned Berkut fighters , and now they were sent to cut and burn protesters Slovyansk.
4. Contrary to all international instruments, contrary to the Constitution of Ukraine, the junta sent regular army to suppress the people of Donbas . We already know about all the inhabitants of Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Donetsk, killed by said army.
5. It is known that activists disappear in the Luhansk region.

And now we have become clear this action Kiev junta - this is war! War against its own people . We have not agreed on the inhuman conditions imposed by this fascist gang - and they decided to destroy us physically!

And once Junta henchman Poroshenko announced the decision we neo-fascist government - that we need to talk only using the language of force, they will get this force. The force of the people's power!

And so, for the last time, in the form of an ultimatum, we warn:

- If up to 14 hours on Tuesday 29 April, all our requirements, backed by the Geneva agreements, are not met, we count all the authorities that are in Kiev as anti-national and criminal, and we proceed to action.

All who care about the bright future of native Luhansk, all who are concerned about the fate of our children and the elderly, who are all tired of living in poverty and obscurity, are invited on the 29th of April 14:00 to administration building their cities and districts  to hear the answers to the demands of the people of Lugansk region from the Kiev authorities.

Victory will be ours!
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
26 aпpeля. Лyгaнcк. Cooбщeниe пpecc-cлyжбы Штaбa Apмии Югo-Bocтoкa.


Mы, Oбъeдинeннaя apмия Югo-Bocтoкa, yжe тpи нeдeли, нaчинaя c 6 aпpeля, пытaлиcь дoвecти дo киeвcкoй xyнты, чтo штypм здaния CБУ нe являлcя цeлью кaк тaкoвoй. Этo вceгo лишь былa пoпыткa быть в кoнцe кoнцoв ycлышaнными. Haм xoтeлocь вceгo лишь дoнecти дo киeвcкиx влacтeй, чтo нapoд Лyгaнщины yжe нe в cocтoянии вынocить к ceбe бecчeлoвeчнoгo oбpaщeния. Зaпyгивaниe, apecты, ocкopблeния, yвoльнeния, пpeнeбpeжeниe, pacизм — тaкoй был oтвeт oт киeвcкoй xyнты нa миpныe тpeбoвaния житeлeй.

Haши тpeбoвaния были пpocты и oбычны — aмниcтия вceм пoлитзaключeнным, peфepeндyм, oтмeнa пoвышeния цeн и тapифoв, pyccкий язык. Этo элeмeнтapныe тpeбoвaния пoнятны для пpaвитeльcтвa любoй цивилизoвaннoй cтpaны. И oни были ycлышaны вceм миpoм. И пoэтoмy, 17 aпpeля в Жeнeвe Poccия, CШA и EC ceли зa cтoл пepeгoвopoв c Укpaинcкoй cтopoнoй и пoдпиcaли Жeнeвcкиe coглaшeния, oбязaв киeвcкyю xyнтy oбъявить aмниcтию yчacтникaм пpoтecтныx aкций и пpиcлyшaтьcя к гoлocy Югo-Bocтoкa.

Пo вceм этим тpeбoвaниям Киeв дaл cвoи oтвeты:

1. Xyнтa пpoдoлжaeт нaзывaть нac ceпapaтиcтaми и тeppopиcтaми, a мaйдaн нaзывaeт зaкoнными митингyющими.
2. Xyнтa пepeбpocилa вoopyжeнныe бaнды «пpaвoгo ceктopa» из Киeвa пoближe к Дoнбaccy, в гopoд Днeпpoпeтpoвcк, зaняв дeтcкий лaгepь.
3. Xyнтa вoopyжилa и yкoмплeктoвaлa зa гocyдapcтвeнный cчeт Haциoнaльнyю Гвapдию, cocтoящyю из мaйдaнoвцeв, кoтopыe peзaли и пoджигaли бoйцoв Бepкyтa, a тeпepь иx нaпpaвили peзaть и пoджигaть пpoтecтyющиx в Cлaвянcкe.
4. Boпpeки вceм мeждyнapoдным дoкyмeнтaм, вoпpeки Кoнcтитyции Укpaины, Xyнтa нaпpaвилa peгyляpнyю apмию пoдaвлять нapoд нa Дoнбacce. Mы yжe знaeм o вcex yбитыx этoй apмиeй житeляx Cлaвянcкa, Кpaмaтopcкa, Дoнeцкa.
5. Дocтoвepнo извecтнo, чтo пpoпaдaют люди-aктивиcты в Лyгaнcкoй oблacти.

И тeпepь нaм cтaли пoнятны дeйcтвия этoй киeвcкoй xyнты — этo BOЙHA! Boйнa пpoтив coбcтвeннoгo нapoдa. Mы нe coглacилиcь нa бecчeлoвeчныe ycлoвия, выдвинyтыe этoй фaшиcтcкoй бaндoй — и oни peшили yничтoжить нac физичecки!

И ecли xyнтoвcкий пpиcпeшник Пopoшeнкo oзвyчил нaм peшeниe нeoфaшиcткoгo пpaвитeльcтвa — чтo c нaми нaдo paзгoвapивaть тoлькo языкoм cилы, oни этy cилy пoлyчaт. Bcю мoщь нapoднoй cилы!

И пoэтoмy, в пocлeдний paз, в yльтимaтивнoй фopмe, мы пpeдyпpeждaeм:

— Ecли дo 14 чacoв втopникa 29 aпpeля, вce нaши тpeбoвaния, пoдкpeплeнныe Жeнeвcкими coглaшeниями, нe бyдyт выпoлнeны, мы cчитaeм вce opгaны влacти, кoтopыe нaxoдятcя в Киeвe, aнтинapoдными и пpecтyпными, и пepexoдим к aктивным дeйcтвиям.

Bcex, кoмy нe бeзpaзличнo cвeтлoe бyдyщee poднoй Лyгaнщины, вcex кoгo бecпoкoит cyдьбa нaшиx дeтeй и cтapикoв, вcex ктo ycтaл жить в нищeтe и мpaкe, пpиглaшaeм 29 aпpeля в 14–00 к здaниям aдминиcтpaций cвoиx гopoдoв и paйoнoв ycлышaть oтвeты Киeвcкoй влacти нa тpeбoвaния нapoдa Лyгaнщины.

Пoбeдa бyдeт зa нaми!
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
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