Dude - are you on drugs? You sound like a preacher who has been smoking meth!
Interesting. But screaming scam against any proof and without any evidence for scam is science?
This is a board, not a shoutbox or chat and sources should be given in all details, like I did. Like Scott did. Like HagssFIN did etc.
And like a lot of more people did in here.
I see just defamation without any proof and you asking me to be on drugs after posting the first "same style" content about something?
Who you are?
Who is Searing?
Who am I?
Almost nobodys. So give me a proof for something. Instead if giving any proof "Searing" is just repeating his liar job. So what?
Are you on drugs and dont see it?
Or are you just in the mainstream idiot channel, too?
Seeing 50% of the posts about Halong in here preaching its a scam without any evidence --- just with conspiracy theory - does this sounds normal to you?
2 Options:
1) A user who as many posts and just Bla Bla Bla around.
2) A user with many posts, but with trying to take influence in a bad way.
Anyways saying scam is the scam without evidence for it.
And therefor he "Searing" is a liar and I am not wrong with writing this.
And its not wrong to say DONT TRUST him. I think he is just a big bubble of hot air without any connections or any idea of how, what and why.
You can say to not be sure about it.
You can say there are some risks maybe left.
But saying scam is lying and people who are acting like that have no value for me, because they are blinding people who are new or trying to understand.
A liar will never be able to make a deal with you. Not private and not in business. He will lie again and again.
And somebody who needs to talk shit about something or somebody without any proof will act like this again and again.
If somebody is believing anything because of a proof and later on the proof is wrong its something totally different.
And he gets a new proof and changing his mind, that is something absolut perfect.
But against all proofs and evidence you cannot show with your fingers on somebody and call him a scammer.
If you thing I am a preacher because I will not admit a liar talking about something he has no idea of - ok - I am. I dont care
But strict saying scam about somebody is criminal, does not matter if in USA, Europe or Russia. (have no idea of asian laws - sorry)
And no. I dont take any drugs. I even dont drink alcohol or coffee (but black tea!).
And 4 times in a year a nice pipe of tabacco which I am smoking over a whole day. Most times on holidays or while playing chess with a good friend who is living to far away to play often with him.
You asked me to take drugs. And I answered you that I am not. (oh ok .. sometimes choclate is like a drug for me).
But you should maybe try some drugs. Will help you to close your eyes more from reality
(Moderator's note: This post was edited by frodocooper to trim andytranter's quoted post.)