If there is a good project planned and put into action, I don't have a problem with giving them 200-500 shares if it is done correctly and shown that it will be maintained in the best interest of Devcoin. If iti s a piece of crap thrown together to get a bounty, then that isn't going to be in the best interest of the community in any way what so ever. It will just show that the community is out to make money at any cost (and I believe that 80-90% of the contributors are in this category) and the quality and effectiveness will suffer greatly.
Would it be better to then assign an admin (or team of) on a project management payroll, and have them build the project? They would serve as the connection to devcoin, and maybe have an allocation of shares per month or so to create bounties for work snippets. Devcoin bounties are great for getting snippets of code done, but not projects. All projects need some sort of project management to work well.