Hi everybody,
Let's start by saying that I'm a DCV newbie, a software developer, and DVC holder and lover. I probably absorbed some misconception and Id like you to help me get it straight. I discussed this issue with Unthinkingbit over PM and I would like to hear the community's opinion.
DVC is born as an ethical coin to provide reward to individuals and organisations who contributes in open source projects. Right? something like this guys :
http://bitcoingrant.org/ , the idea behind is spelled simple and clear:
We want to build a better reality, one in which what we do everyday and what we believe in are finally aligned. We want to eliminate the nagging opportunity cost of pursuing your goals. We want open source to become central to how we move forward instead of being a hobby or an afterthought. And we want to build this reality together, with you.
I would like to raise a concern and hear your opinion on a delicate topic.
What I think that is unfair is that
the amount of the reward is basically random, or at least a gamble. Assigning a varying number of shares with a varying number of coins per share with a high-price volatility sounds really like betting. This undermines the whole mission of the coin IMHO. Moreover, I believe that if some other cryptocurrency can fix this problem DVC will become obsolete in no time. And I don't like it.
Let me put you through an example: Say I want to build a DVC ATM machine (ndr: which I do want, and I have skills, tools, people, and time ) .
It takes a lot of effort, work, components, people and skills. There is a 96 shares pending bounty on it.
But before digging into the project and starting taking my time out of other paid projects, buy materials and hire people I want to make some math.
The problem is.... I can't! 96 shares could be anything between 2k$ and 25k$ by the time I'm done. Right?
It doesn't make sense. I created a certain value for the community and I would like to receive a fair value back. Not just a random number. Don't you think so?
I would like to hear your opinion on this because it really makes the whole idea of DVC weak to the eyes of a FOSS software engineer.
I'm sure that a better solution can be found, and I'm sure that is not easy. At all.
But nothing is, until its done!
What do you guys think?
Let me know what you think please .