I just ran the new 0.8.5 version and it's awesome! I love this so much more than the other one; and it takes about a second from running it before it's updating the blockchain (the old one takes 3-5 minutes to start). Huge +1 from me!
Ranlo gets 3 shares for the second post about the client.
I installed that client on my computer yesterday and was impressed with how much it looked just like a Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet. I think it stopped downloading the block chain a couple of times but I could have just been a little impatient. I closed it and then opened it back up again and it started right where it left off. I checked on it a an hour before I went to work and did a test send and receive of Devcoins. I didn't notice any hitches sending or receiving the coins. I plan on playing with it some more today after I get off work in the morning.
I have to say the absolute #1 plus about this new wallet is being able to backup your data. I have an older computer and that dang thing might just stop working one of these days.
Overall, I was very impressed with it.
(I am sorry this review wasn't more technical but I am kinda low tech)
Bittzy78 gets 2 shares for the second post about the client.
I uploaded it earlier this evening and I also was impressed with the ease of use. The visual aspect of the client was more like what I am used to and the installation was so smooth, which is important to technically challenged persons like myself . It is still in the process of receiving the blocks, but I'm sure that will not be a problem. Consistently, it is connected to 8 active connections, I'm not sure if that is the max amount or not.
DVC wallet: 13mtCyZTnMJRJw9nt7xqbiGU7tXrvkeAJB
Papacrusher gets 1 share for the fourth post about the client on the main thread. Web wallets like vircurex can not handle generation devcoins, is your devcoin address from your computer? Since this is your first time on a payment list, please check that your address is correct at:
I did a write up at Devtome: http://www.devtome.com/doku.php?id=testing_updated_devcoin_windows_client
The new client really behaves well. I love to see it linked via Devcoin.org once all small corrections have been made.
Your article is way more than 50 words, it has great pictures, and Bittzy78 got his link from your article, it must of been there first. Technically since the post was made later, you not get any shares, but you'll get one for the devtome article.
Overall, it seems okay so far (indexing the ~118K blocks will take much more time). However, there are some minor cosmetic errors:
1. The taskbar logo, the window icon and the "About Devcoin" logo are I0Coin.
2. In "Sign/Verify Message", the "Devcoin addresses" are actually I0Coin addresses.
3. "Pay To" says "Enter a Bitcoin address".
Other than that, I don't see any major problems. I'll wait further until the reindex is complete to update this post.
On another thread, Meta.p02 wrote this and another post, so even though it wasn't on the main thread he also gets a share.
The Testing Sidhujag's Client bounty is finished.