No way to do bounties when all the coins are going to writers dont you get it?
That's not quite correct. There is no rule at all saying that all coins should go to the writers.
The total number of coins distributed per round is fixed, but how it is allocated is completely flexible.
So, when a lot of writers are writing but no-one is doing development, the coins go to writers, but when there is a lot of development, the share the writers get is less.
A simple example: if there are just 5 writers in a round each getting 10 shares and no developers have participated, each writer would get 20% of the distribution. But if there are just five writers each getting 10 shares and a developer has claimed bounties for 50 shares, then each writer gets 10% and the developer gets 50% of the distribution.
So to "fix" the problem, all that needs to happen is that the shares allocated per development task is increased. If you up-ed it to 100 shares per development task for example, the portion the writers get will immediately drop. I don't know how unthinkingbit decides how much each development is worth, but I don't think anyone would object if he raised the bounties for development.
The "problem" if you like is that developers arn't really bothering to claim their bounties for the list of tasks already out there, but writers are, which is why it seems so lop-sided.
Thanks for clearing that up and it makes total sense why all shares
go to the writers. However ask yourself why this is the case? Why is it that there is no development going on? Advertisement? Im sure it has had the same scope as devtome. Maybe the fact that the static bounties were not taken up because they had to be worth more for someone to do it.. this is coupled with the fact that not many people knew about them.. however if the bounties were allocated shares every round until they were done I would say that we would have alot more development going on and more useful output from the project.
I guess what Im saying is that the bounties should not be static but based on a supply demand equilibrium. Supply being devcoin demand being amount of devcoin requested. As more supply is added each round demand will reach supply and bounty will be claimed. As more bounties get claimed visibility to the project will increase as well as marketing leverage to show others what has already been done. It should snowball from there. You have to agree that even though the floating bounty payout is decreasing work per dvc that it is still exponentially higher than the devtome work per dvc even with a rating system.
Devtome output is ad revenue and input is work for devcoin. While bounty output is increased awareness and usefulness in terms of something done for this or another project.
At the moment shares are only allocated to "work done". So if a writer hasn't written anything in a round, they get nothing, and if a developer hasn't developed in a round, they get nothing. Not sure how it would work out if shares were allocated to developers for ongoing work which wasn't complete - room for abuse there for someone to string out the work indefinitely...
I think the shares allocated per development task completed could certainly be increased. But whether anyone would bother is another matter. The devcoin price has fallen back so much that even writers arn't bothering any more - the last round had only a few articles, mainly from a couple of newbies enthusiastically trying it out for the first time. So if a developer had chosen that moment to complete a lot of tasks, they'd have scooped the jackpot!
As to why the developers don't bother - Devcoin doesn't get much visibility in general. The only developers who know it exists date from a couple of years ago when this was one of the few alts out there. I suppose we could advertise for developers in the Project Development part of this forum - but the problem of people second guessing the price will remain. It's not possible to know in advance how much a "share" is worth - it could be 400,000 coins or it could be 100,000 coins, so even if you knew that you would be getting say 20 shares, it's anyone's guess a) how many coins you'd get and b) what those coins were worth in BTC. People who want "guarantees" don't mix well with the crypto world because it's all so up and down...
I think if more of us made YouTube videos for people to stumble into, we could cover a lot of these bases.