So I only got 17,000 words counted? How is this possible? Is there a negator or just a multiplier?
As Ranlo wrote, your multiplier in: 0.534 which turned 32,000 words to 17 shares. However, when I looked over the warnings, I also saw that your article:
was not counted because it's not in the root namespace: title it: message me and I'll rerun devtome for everyone.
It turns out dokuwiki cuts our everything after the a question make in the title, so your article link:
"What Do You Think About The AfterLife? Please Share Your Thoughts"
actually goes to:
"What Do You Think About The AfterLife?"
so I added a check in to follow the dokuwiki title cut. You don't have to change that.
And I was writing stuff that is at least good enough to be college essays.
Right now, the earnings multiplier is based solely on popularity per word. In round 29 the multiplier will also be based on ratings.
I am not complaining, just wondering if this is right.
Thanks for bringing this up.
I'm sorry for not checking the warning log. The warning log is experimental, I just added it last round, and it brings up many false positives so I ended up ignoring it because I was in a hurry. In the next couple of hours I'll make it more informative so I can see which are real warnings then I'll rerun devtome for everyone.