As long as people can make massively, insanely more coins writing for Devtome than writing code for bounties I suppose it is not surprising that bounties are not motivating people to get things done.
Maybe more shares for admins (2-5x what they get now), as well as like shares per person per round almost cut in half (50-60k instead of 80).
Not more shares, we want as few shares in total as possible, nicest would be no more than forty receiver-lines in total UNLESS we always make the number of receiver-lines an exact divisor of four thousand.
Right now we have had to put in an over-ride for admins because of the insanely high payments to authors, just to make sure admins do actually make some fraction of what authors do instead of beign crowded out entirely by authors.
Better would be to cap devtome at eighty shares total for the whole of devtome and let it share out the resulting coins among its authors.
(Though that would eat up eighty receiver-lines right away, twice the forty that would be a nice max number for fairness sake.)
Those shares would be worth a lot more coins per share than when a bunch of authors each get 80 shares all to themselves, each individually.
Lets remember again that a person who puts in ten hours a month OR MORE regularly and naturally on a lifestyle basis on directly important-to-devcoin projects of their own free will merely because they are going to do that anyway just because it is what they do gets one share. So basically any author who has a demonstrated history of putting in ten hours a month OR MORE writing articles for devtome freely without incentive/pay/bribe/bounty should be eligible to be nominated to become a recipient of devcoins.
Do we even have any such authors yet, or are all the ones we have found so far basically mercenaries who only write free open source articles for devtome (or even
at all) when they are offered a direct bounty per thousand words for doing so? (If so maybe we have done enough bounties/paying now for getting articles written and should start offering bounties/pay for other things instead, watching authors to see if there do turn out to be any among them who do end up still writing for devtome ten hours a month or more as a lifestyle free open source writing person who would do that anyway even if there was no bounty / payment for it, and consider nominating some of them as deserving of getting put on the list of people who get a share of devcoins?)
Its not like we have any shortage of articles now. So maybe now we should start awarding bounties (payments) for promotion of the existing articles instead of for making yet more articles?
Haven't you been following the discussion? Isn't this what bounties are for? To pay for new services etc?
Actually bounties have historically been far from great for getting actual long term services, because opportunists tend to nip in, whip up something to get the bounty, then scrap the thing as soon as they have pocketed the bounty.
For example if you offer a bounty for settign up a pool, you are quite likely to have someone set up the pool, picket the bounty, then rip down the pool to free up their server for yet another different pool some other coin is offering a bounty for, then pocket that bounty, rip that pool down and put up yet another to pocket another bounty and so on.
That is why we are instead offering a bounty for free open source software for merged mining pools; once that exists people capable of operating such pools long term will be able to go ahead and do so, likely making decent money doing so due to pools are usually operated on a for-profit basis.
Similarly with block-explorers, offer a bounty for a block-explorer and someone whips one up, pockets the bounty, then rips it down again.
So again probably a bounty for free open source code would be the way to go; a bounty for getting your coin added to the standard distributions/repos of the standard free open source block-explorers.