There are also private label content clubs you can join, I joined some of the free ones years ago when I was researching web-marketing, that provide you regularly with niche moneymaking websites selling things plus a whack of articles relevant to that niche for you to modify to make unique and place on the site. Some such clubs even have pull scripts in the sites that will regularly pull new articles, so that the club can use the niche site they gave you to publish more articles regularly, so that your niche sites become in effect satellite sites of theirs, with of course most likely theirs appearing higher in search results than theirs and the copies that members didn't customise usually probably being at the bottom, relatively, of the results due to modern smart search engines realising they are duplicated-content sites and trying to figure out who has the original of that content or which is the highest pagerank site with the most-active social networking likes community that has that content.
My spam/marketing email account I used to sign up for all that kind of stuff might have years worth of such niche site of the day content in its inbox by now, unless the email provider stopped accepting email once I'd not signed on for a year or few. Even if they did that there must have been a year or few already saved before I stopped logging on to that email account / stopped researching web-marketing.
We could dig up all that stuff, "collate" it, and pour it onto Devtome. Heck maybe I could pour 80k per month of it onto Devtome come to think of it... Oh sorry I mean 240k, since collated only pays 1/3 as many shares so would take 240k to get 80 shares...
Heck I threw out gigabytes of articles back when I quit autogenerating "content sites" to attract search engine spiders. Or maybe not even threw out... maybe it is on some of the ancient hard-disks I have laying around here somewhere. Maybe complete with all the scripts I wrote for auto-generating interlinked networks of sites out of the stuff.
I got to number one spot on the major engines other than Google (which was way too smart to fall for such crap) for major keywords like "Religion" way back when.
Of course back then MSN and Yahoo were so stupid that the most relevant site you could possibly make, in their eyes, was pages and pages of their own search-results output...
You didn't really actually need articles as their own results attracted them way more than actual content.
So the gigs of actual articles were kind of just gravy, that only later came to be of much importance/use.
I could make scripts to auto-submit 240k of articles to devtome each month for me: write the scripts once, include a suck-articles-from-inbox to suck in all the new articles the content-clubs send, and it'd be a write once, earn 80 shares a round every round automaton for me. Hmm...
So if you authors want to compete on who can max out their words per round, I guess I could whip up scripts that'd give you some good competition...