I have often written a concept analogous to, “
if the speed-of-light were not finite, the past would be undifferentiated from the future, space-time would collapse into an infinitesimal point, and we could not exist”.
Today I realized that statement is incorrect.
A differentiated past and future only mathematically requires that
the maximum velocity of any observer can't exceed the speed-of-light, but it doesn't require that the speed-of-light be any particular value. Rather it only requires that the speed-of-light be numerable, so that we can write it into the fundamental Physics equations as some quantity other than infinity.
Mathematically any numerable value selected doesn't place a bound on the speed-of-light that could be selected by some other form of existence in the universe of unbounded possibilities.
In fact, we can pick the speed-of-light to be any value we want it to be, as it only depends on the units of measure we choose:
https://www.quora.com/If-the-Planck-constant-was-different-would-the-speed-of-light-change/answer/Barak-Shoshanyhttp://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/116439/is-there-any-relation-between-planck-constant-and-gravitational-constant#answer-116441Studying more about
how the speed-of-light is measured and confirmed and our
concept of what a vacuum actually is (not totally empty space), the thought occurs (to me at least) that we can only measure the speed-of-light up the maximum resolution of our measuring devices. That doesn't mean that what we are measuring is the maximum speed-of-light but rather confirming that our arbitrary theories and concepts are confirmed by the restrictions they place on our understanding of how and what to measure! This ties in perfectly to the concept of aliasing error that I outlined in my prior comment in this thread today. Einstein
is quoted, “
Theory determines what we observe.”. He may have also once quipped, “
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.” but
what he really meant is ‘
data’ where he uses ‘
So our (perception of our) existence and the speed-of-light is entirely arbitrary and is derived from the collective theories we choose to adopt. Groupthink is a powerful phenomenon, because without it we would not perceive the existence of each other. We have to resonate on some shared theory of measurement and observation, else we would all have relative records of history which are entirely independent and lonely.
Past is relative to every observer thus does not
absolutely exist, i.e. for everyone (
e.g. your reality does not exist for a person who never has any knowledge of your reality), the present is always gone, and the future doesn't exist now and by the former logic can't absolutely exist once it arrives. Meaning existence is never absolute, ever, rather just a concept in the minds of those who choose to agree on some memory. Note congruently that the present is an infinitesimal point
on the light cone diagram.
Damn it is becoming a feely goodly reunion party. I thought I was going to have this place all to my disgruntled, derangulated self.
P.S. could someone please inform Michael Jordan that the number 23 is first prime number which is the sum of three other, consecutive, prime numbers; 5, 7 and 11.