---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Westerners mired in the Stockholm SyndromeDate: Fri, April 10, 2015 8:08 am
To: "Armstrong Economics" <
[email protected]>
The only possible way they will wake up from collectivism is if a
Knowledge Age gives them irresistible individual empowerment, and this
jars them out of their emotional Stockholm Syndrome. Any way, we only need
the leaders to do this, then the herd follows into the goods and services
economy created.
This will be my last post on this particular issue.
I doubt it
Because I am going to give you a reason that you will feel compelled to reply.
At it's most extreme anarchism degrades into the
the extremism and logical fallacies of egoism. You occasionally wander into these waters as you did with your recent defense of coercion. I want to see if I can pull you back into libertarianism
Stirner is correct. But the "might" part should be rephrased as whoever can manage with the most efficacy, i.e. knowledge capital in the Knowledge Age (it was stored monetary capital in the fixed investment Industrial Age).
Your mistake CoinCube, is that you conflate all outcomes which can be altruist with the notion that altruism only results from
involuntary (i.e. coercion) collectivized resources (a.k.a. government). The great coercion is the State and the big capitalist owners' dick up our ass. And you believe their bullshit about us supporting them to end human trafficking when they are trafficking all of us every damn day!
In fact, the only true altruism never comes from collectives and only from local relationships, creating new efficiencies (i.e. innovation), and competition for who can manage resources with the most efficacy.
Don't you realize the collectivized governments have always been managed by the Industrial Age owners of capital. Stirner has always been correct about the reality. You are living in some emotional delusion that never existed in the history of mankind.
Your emotions have been polluted with Marxist indoctrination similar to darlidada. At least he can admit it. You are deep into the delusion because you are trying to defend the indefensible with a strawmen conflation.
I am trying to help you rid yourself of that mental disease. You may not appreciate it. Most collectivists don't.
Your support is not rational. It is all emotional.
Perhaps mankind turned to this delusion to deal with (obscure) the depressive reality that they've been owned by the capitalists.
Ah yes, I realize this is a form of indirect Stockholm Syndrome, or capture-bonding, wherein you've come to point of emotionally support the paradigms which empower those who enslave you, because we were all so hopelessly enslaved. You needed to have something to feel good about, because the reality of being enslaved is so depressing. So much better to adopt the emotional ideological (bullshit!) delusion they feed you and support them.
The West is going to crash and burn! The people are emotionally destroyed thus have no capacity to be rational.
I was always fighting. Always looking for ways to be independently powerful. That is why I adopted computers, because I noted from a very early age that they made me more powerful than guys with mansions, and I didn't need a lot of fixed capital investment.
We agree that collectivism is only beneficial when it is impossible or inefficient to otherwise get economies-of-scale. During our prior
debate we also agreed that some top down structure is necessary for convergence to optimal outcomes. We appear do disagree substantially over the extent and nature of that structure.
Any collectivized resource above our actual Dunbar limit at the level of deep scrutiny (which means rougly a dozen or so people) will be corrupt. Thus the only altruistic goal is to eliminate all collectives larger than that.
We gather in cities currently because of the technological economies-of-scale do so, so we currently have no choice but to deal with collective issues of the city. But technology may free us from this concentration in the future, e.g. the internet enables virtual employment from a rural location. The Knowledge Age will radically change this further.
Most importantly, note that a plurality of managers of resources competing and trading is free market. And this converges because the most efficacious will aggregate resources until they are competed against by equivalently efficacious. The free market is self-annealing. You don't trust it because the capitalists in the Industrial Age were able to game the
Iron Law of Political Economics, and thus you turned to a delusion to console yourself (but your delusion doesn't change the reality). The Knowledge Age gives us hope that the natural order of competition will advance knowledge faster and thus more prosperity for all. That is altruism. There is no other reality of altruism, only your delusional fantasies which have never existed even once.
You asked why I used the words "somewhat repulsive" to describe anonymity. It is because true anonymity obscures justice. Anonymity allows for crime without recourse, darkness without light. In blinding government it also blinds justice.
Oh my you have just proven how deep you in that delusional nonsense.
Justice that Katz was writing about is the justice that comes from individual empowerment. You've somehow conflated that in your mind that the State brings justice, when in fact in every instance the State bring oppression and fails horrifically on reducing crime.
In Europe the overt crime was subdued by bribing the people to steal from each other with socialized collectives (a.k.a. socialism, communism, fascism, Marxism, etc). Thus they just moved the human nature into a different form of crime.
The State doesn't help anything. Period.
You've fallen into an emotional delusion.
You may be surprised to know that I completely support you in your goal of establishing a strong anonymous cryptocurrency.
I could never trust you, given your emotional delusion. One day you will snap and go against me. It is analogous as not being able to trust a woman (to be rational), because they are ruled by their unpredictable emotions.
As I stated above I do not favor anonymity as an optimal solution.
You see.
I am very astute at reading people. I knew from your Myers-Brigg result that I you were danger. And then when I saw you pandering to I3352, it made me realize that you have that same mental state.